👻Halloween Special👻 [Undertale|Self Written]

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A/N: hola compañeros rollos! Estoy de vuelta con otro frans one-shot, edición especial de halloween! (Translation: Hello fellow rolls! Im back with another frans one-shot, Halloween edition special!)*ahem* yeah ill stop talking spanish. Who's excited for this special halloween chapter?! >:D Its the last day of Halloween for me, actually. So uh, BOOM IM NOT LATE AHAHHA- forgive me ;~;

[Drawing above by me :3{

(¡WARNING! You may die of heart attack due to the overwhelming -bzzt- this chapter contains. Beware of the -bzzt-! Enjoy!)


Frisk's POV.
I was gasping heavily for breath to fill my lungs. Sweat poured down my face as i panted. My heart pounded in my chest, my cry stuck in my throat. My blood was roaring in my ears, screaming for me to go faster. My legs were moving in a fast pace, trying in vain to run away from them. I took dizzying turns, left to right, right to left in a zig-zag manner, hoping to lose them. But they were right on my tail, and I couldn't run away. I couldn't hide. I knew they were close to catching me. My pace was slowing down due to my exhaustion.

I'll just have to accept my fate now.

I was tackled to the floor making me lose all my breath and let out a loud, "oomph!" I tried to fight against the attackers who pinned me down, but to no avail. I knew what was coming next. Hands creeped up against my waist, ready to do the expected.

Hysterical laughter echoed around the room, quickly joined in by two other different laughter. Heavy panting and pleading voices for mercy filled the room with the echoing laughter. Tears streamed down my face and my teeth were gritted, trying to fight the oncoming burst of breah trying to come out of my lungs.

"OK OK! STOP IT! I GET IT, YOU GUYS WIN! LET GO OF ME-" another wave of unstoppable laughter cut off my sentence, bubbling in my throat as i pleaded for mercy to my two attackers. "Give me back my chocolate and you will be spared!" "Yeah! Give me back my candy too, you greedy pig!" "Ok geez! Let go of me first!"

I felt the weight on my back lighten and i quickly stood up, not wanting to get pinned down again. I sighed in deafeat and leaned against the wall, weakly handing out the chocolate and candy that i stole. "Here you go." Chara snatched back her chocolate and immediately turned away from me, letting out a "hmpf" and started eating her chocolate bar. Asriel on the other hand, took his candy and thanked me, sitting down on the floor beside me.

"This is cruel." I whined, crossing my arms and pouting. "Hey, it's not my fault you're coughing and can't eat candy. Being the greedy person you are, you ate too much sweets before Trick-Or-Treat even started. Mom already allowed you to go with us for Trick-Or Treating, so just accept that and never steal my chocolates again." Chara glared at me and continued biting her chocolate, making my mouth water. "You're so mean! The least you could do is turn away from me and eat. Im fi-!" I suddenly coughed, making me groan and smack my head against the wall. "You were saying?" Chara smirked, smugly bathing in her victory.

"Chara, don't make her feel worse." Asriel spoke up, rummaging in his pumpkin bag. "Here you go, Frisk! A Pumpkin Pie!" My eyes immediately lit up and took the wrapped up Pumpkin Pie. "Thanks Az!" I grinned, unwrapping the paper and started eating the pie. Asriel just chuckled and Chara just stood there observing me quietly.

I stopped eating my pie, suddenly feeling self-consious about myself. Even Asriel looked between me and Chara clearly confused. Nervously putting down the pie, i asked her, "Why are you staring at me like that? Is there any crumbs of Pumpkin Pie on my face?" Chara remained silent but leaned back from her observing. She smirked and just shook her head. "Nothing. Just...thinking." "Chara you're making me nervous." "Ok, geez. Just thinking about how cute you look in that Angel outfit."

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