(2) Meeting him

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Aphmaus POV:

My eyes felt heaving, my cheeks stained with tears. I remembered the events of yesterday afternoon.

Aphmau, no. Don't let this ruin your first day of college. I got up and threw on a royal blue long sleeved top with some black leggings.

I walked into my bathroom and saw myself in the mirror, washing my face and brushing my hair. I didn't want to wear any makeup today.

I curled my hair while listening to my spotify playlist. "Kiki, do you love me?" I sang. I honestly don't know why everyone loves this song, but I listened to it anyways.

Anything to get my mind off of yesterday. I walked downstairs to see my mom in the kitchen making pancakes.

"Morning, mom."

"Morning. sweetheart."

I sat at the counter eating my pancakes. They were really good.

"Thanks for breakfast, Ma." I looked at the clock knowing I had to leave for college soon and I felt sad.


All of the sudden I heard little feet running down the stairs. I looked over to see Levin and Malachi, running quickly towards me.

"We were worried you left already!" They exclaimed. "We came to say goodbye!!" I could see they both looked upset, and I engulfed them in a hug.

"I love you guys, I'll come visit you I promise!" They nodded.

I looked over to my mom, who seemed like she was about to cry. I hugged her tightly "Mom, don't cry please." I whined. "I love you, and i'll come visit you whenever I can okay?"

"O-okay." She said quietly. "I love you so much Aphmau! Call me when you get there okay?"

"Of course." I picked up my bags and threw them in the trunk of my car. I got in the drivers seat and stuck the keys in the ignition and began driving away. Man, I was gonna miss them a whole damn lot.


I pulled up to the parking lot of my brand new school, Staring nervously at the entrance. I heard a knock on my window, looking over to see Katelyn waving at me excitedly.

"Heyyy Katie!" I exclaimed, getting out of the car.

"Ready for college?" She asked.

"As I'll ever be." I sighed, remembering what happened with Aaron. God, I can't even think of his name without wanting to cry.

We walked into the front office and got our dorm numbers and classes. "What room are you in?" Katelyn asked me curiously.


"Shit, I'm 427."

"I wonder who our roommates are." I said.

"I heard they have co-ed dorms at this college."

"That's strange, but it might be kinda fun to have a guy as your roommate." I suggested.

We walked to the hallway our dorm was in before parting ways. I headed to my door and unlocked it with my key. The room was empty, I guess my roommate isn't here yet. I sighed.

I began unpacking my things and making my bed. When I was finished I layed down and scrolled through my phone.

I slowly closed my eyes and felt sleep take over me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2019 ⏰

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