Day 1

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It's so dark and cold. My body feels like it's freezing, but only on my back and legs. My eyes are- I can't see. I don't know where I am, I don't know what to do. Every move hurts so much and my hands seem to be cuffed onto something. Metal bars. My eyes are bandaged and it kind of smells. It feels like I'm not wearing any clothes... why am I- am I naked? My body seems to be grinding on the cold floor, my skin is scraping against the small bulges of the stone ground. What the fuck is happening?

The moment I come back to consciousness, my breathing shortens directly. The memory of the man forcing me along with him, dozing me off with chloroform and throwing me inside his car start coming back to me. Tears form and start to wet the dry and uncomfortable fabric of the bandages around my eyes. The smell of old furniture, dirt and the old cloth sting in my nose. Where could I possibly be?

Breathing heavily, even sobbing, I try to move around, but my wrists are cuffed above my head, I can feel my naked torso hitting the metal bars behind me, feeling extremely cold the moment a part of my body hits the metal. I feel like I've been running a marathon, because my lungs barely manage to let me breathe. Is it the nervousness, is it the fear? Maybe both.

So it's true. Everything I've been feeling is true and there actually was someone watching me for this month. Planning on kidnapping me and taking me away to their place. Why... Why me... why doing this to me? What have I done to upset them? Who is this person!?

I start to remember the day I walked to my classes and that one guy bumped into me. I had never seen him before, never talked to him and the way he came up to me, didn't say a word, but watched me so astonished. I begin to realize the craziness in his eyes, which I couldn't see the day I met him. But now- I begin to realize. My stalker has made contact- physical contact with me, before kidnapping me. And now- now I am here. Somewhere.. cuffed and naked. What is he going to do to me!?

My fear rages up in my body, makes me feel so many things at once, which I don't know how to express without dying of a heart attack. What's gonna happen to me?! When is he gonna come and unwrap the bandages from my eyes? Or- maybe he's already here, staring at me, while I can't see anything!!

„Fuck!" I hiss with a clenched jaw, breathing through my teeth, eyes shut so much that it hurts. I keep moving my body on the ground, feeling the sharp stone scratching my soft skin. The more I try to move, the more the metal chain around my wrists hurt me.

Then I stop. It's no use to move around, it won't help me in any way. I need to somehow remain calm. Even though my heart races unbelievably fast, I try to keep my breathing in tact, so I don't lose control. The only option I have is to wait until this man... this stalker and kidnapper decides to talk to me. I'm so fucking scared. I'm so... scared.

I manage to somehow remain calm and even fall asleep. But laying in this cold room as open as I am, the fear of feeling a touch on my body, or breath against my ear or just the opening of a door. By the slightest move of something or someone, I could determine if they want to hurt me or not.

A loud squeak wakes me up with a shock. Not being able to see, I try to move my body together as close as possible, trying to not use as much space. I feel so unsafe, so cold and so unbelievably scared. The door opens wider and wider, for about three seconds, all I hear is squeaking. Then it stops. Nothing except my breath fills the room. I swallow and keep breathing faster, my jaw dropped a little and my eyes widely opened, but not able to see. Sweat mixes with my cold skin, creates the most uncomfortable natural feeling on me.

Suddenly, I start hearing footsteps from further away. Directly, I hold my breath, but my chest and heart tremble in fear. Strong, heavy steps. The person seems more dangerous than I thought. And it gives me such anxiety. In fact, I'm so scared that I'm not even able to cry anymore. The more steps the person takes, the dizzier I get. My biggest fear is just walking towards me. Each second passes slower than I could have ever imagined. And then- he stops.

11 Months and 17 DaysWhere stories live. Discover now