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Eddie leaned back casually. Far too casually for someone in his situation. Crutchy narrowed his eyes at the tiny boy.

"How long have you been here?" He asked suspiciously. Eddie's eyes flicked up.

"Way too long." He replied shortly.

"What did you do?"

"Oh heck no. No newbie goes straight to the cave." He finally tilted his head back up. "I get to ask first." They stared at each other, daring the other to blink. Footsteps echoed down the corridor. Eddie swore and dived for the candle, snuffing it out. "Pretend to sleep." He hissed at Crutchy.

"What?" Eddie shoved him down onto the blanket and scooted back, just as the door opened. Crutchy watched through squinted eyes as a guard picked Eddie up by his collar.

"I saw a light. You got a lamp in here?" Eddie grinned, despite his dangling feet.

"Nope. It musta been my shining personality." He quipped. The guard threw him at the wall, then kicked him.

"Shut your smart mouth. He wake up?" Eddie shook his head, gasping. The guard blew out a breath, and walked out with one final kick straight into the kids face. The door slammed, and they were plunged into absolute darkness.

"That was rude." Eddie remarked. "Mind if I don't light the candle? I only got one."

"Why did you..... Are you stupid?" Crutchy blurted.

"If you're referring to pissing off Anderson, he was gonna do that anyway." Crutchy made a quiet sound of unbelief. "Me and him got history, he hates me. Actually, the feeling's mutual. Sides, it's either you or me, and I happen to be in better health at the moment." Eddie explained. There was silence for a second. "Ohhhhhhh. I forgot. You ain't been here befoah." There was a quiet rustling noise. "So here's how it goes. That one there you just met, that's Anderson. If the Spider is the devil, Anderson is his right hand demon. They're the ones that do most of the soakin round here. Avoid or obey them. Fight for your meals, but don't take it from a little guy. That gives any older guy permission to pound ya. If ya lucky enough to find an escape route, get out. Seriously. Get out. Also, suck up to the guards and I will personally knock your teeth out. Got it?" Crutchy began to laugh. Just laugh. "Is it something I said?" Eddie asked, bewildered. Crutchy calmed himself, putting his head in his hands.

"Nah, this is just...the strangest, the worst situation I've ever.... And I've been in some deep.." He sighed. He felt a hand touch his foot.

"Yeah. I know. Although, laughing about it is a weird way to deal." This time, they were both laughing. They sat in silence for a moment.

"I'm part of da Newsie Strike." Crutchy admitted.

"The newsies are striking?"

"Yeah. Just cause we kids don't mean Pulitzer can walk all over us."

"Dang." There was another period of silence. "I was lookout while my brudda stole." Eddie confessed.

"How old are you?" Crutchy asked.

"You ain't gonna believe me."

"That ain't a number."


"Seriously? You're kidding, right?"


"You're so small!"

"Mmhm. Shut up."

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