Popular Antisocial Headphones Kid, part 3

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-3 days later-

Jeremy walked along the sidewalk, his earbuds playing the new Marley album he had downloaded. After he had run from Will he had gone home "sick" and went back to school the next day. Rich and Jake pried for details, but he only told them that he threw up and never saw Michael.

He hadn't seen Michael throughout the days he'd been back. Jeremy hadn't been able to focus, he was constantly worried. He shouldn't be, he barely knew the high-class boy, but... He just couldn't get that hoodie and the patches and his hair and his eyes out of his head. And as he turned the corner towards his house, nodding his head to the rhythm he heard a loud yelling behind him.

Jeremy pulled out an earbud quickly and spun around to see Michael sprinting towards him, calling his name. The blue-eyed boy's mouth dropped open as Michael stopped in front of him, leaning down on his knees to catch his breath.

"M-Michael?! Are-are you okay?
Why- er what are you d-doing here?" He stammered as Michael stood up fully again before looking at him and flashing a small smile.

"Jeremy, I had to find you. I wanted to apologize for our encounter earlier. I don't care if you're a low class. I don't care what Will says. I just-I-listen do you want to go somewhere?" Michael was blushing the more and more he talked. And Jeremy's own cheeks were starting to flush as well.

"W-what?" He asked. He was confused about what the older boy was talking about.

"Like-um-what do you like to do?"

"M-Michael, I-I'm confused."

The higher class male took a deep breath in. "What do you like to do? Go to the mall? Watch TV? Play video games? Just walk?"

"Um," he started, "I-I like video games." Michael's eyes widened and he blinked a few times.

"Wait really?"Michael asked seriously.

"Y-ya, I know it's weird, I can go-" he started to walk away, but a soft hand on his shoulder stopped him.

"No! Jeremy, I love video games! What type do you like?" Michael said, turning Jeremy back to face him.

"You-you like video games?!" Was all Jeremy could manage.

"No," Michael told him and Jeremy cocked his head and frowned.


"Dude, dude, I'm joking! I love video games! I've played them since I was little, my moms- mom, she gave me her old Gameboy and Super Nintendo! And last Christmas she found her Xbox 360 in the attic!"

"Wait! Y-you mean Retro?" Jeremy asked he had always liked those types of games more than any of the new stuff.

"Retro is my middle name! Michael Retro Mell they call me- well that's what I call myself- anyway, I love retro games! Hell, I love retro anything." Michael's voice was very loud and excited, it almost sounded like he had just won the lottery.

Jeremy laughed a real laugh and then blushed again. "I have a real question for you!" He claimed and then slowed his voice, "do you know what Apocalypse of the Damned is?"

Michael was completely still for a second, his grin gone. He probably hated the game, god, what was he thinking- "Are you joking?" Michael asked in a serious tone and Jeremy swallowed down his fear.

"No, I found it in my dad's old stuff. I don't have an Xbox so-"

"You're serious?" Michael insisted and he nodded slowly in response before nearly jumping out of his skin at Michael's next question, "can I hug you?"

"I-I-I- uh- y-yes?" He tried and then Michael's arms were around him, pulling him up against his chest tightly. Jeremy's breath hitched, but he wrapped his arms back around Michael hesitantly.

So they stood there for about five seconds, just two sophomore boys wrapped in each other's embrace. Jeremy let his eyes close just as Michael pulled away.

"Do you know why I hugged you?" The hazel-eyed boy asked curiously, an embarrassed grin spreading across his lips.

"B-because you like me?" Jeremy responded, his voice barely audible, but he could tell Michael heard him when his eyes widened.

"I-I mean that's not what I was going to say, but ya, ya I do like you," Michael admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. Jeremy felt his throat close up. "I was going to tell you that ever since I was eight I've wanted to play Apocalypse of the Damned. And i-if you wanted to you could come over on Saturday and um, we could play... if you want to of course."

Jeremy stared at a blushing Michael as he spoke calmly and looked into his eyes, his own filling with hope. He tried to respond, but when he opened his mouth a choking sound was all that came out.

Michael- Michael was asking him out- to hang out at least. He had done it before, three days ago, but still, this felt real. They liked the same stuff and he was finally going to be able to play Apocalypse of the Damned!

Jeremy wanted to reply so badly, but his nerves were everywhere. Finally, he got the courage to manage a small nod and a smile. Michael's face changed to a look of surprise, but he still looked unconvinced.

"Um- y-y-yes, I-I mean I'd l-l-love to g- h-hang out w-with you," he managed, his face glowing redder than Michael's had been. And now Michael was smiling widely, a happy and relieved smile. God, his smile-

"C-cool, I'll see you then. Here's my number." Michael handed him a little slip of paper. Jeremy turned as Michael started walking the opposite way. "See you later Jere."

"U-uh, b-bye Michael!" Jeremy called after him, confused, yet comforted by the nickname. Every once in a while Rich or Jake would call him 'Jerry,' but this was different.

Jeremy watched Michael go and smiled, his cheeks blazing. He turned and started walking back home, smiling like an idiot.

I'm not sure about whether this should be the ending or not? Tell me if you like this ending or no or if you just want it to go on! Anyway, no matter what my next one shot is going to be a sad one... Sorry everyone (including myself). Anyway did you guys enjoy? Thanks for reading!

Word Count: 987

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