Popular Antisocial Headphones Kid, part 2

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Dear Diary, um... how do I say this? So there's this kid, and well he is a he. And I think I might like him? Like more than regular like, you know? Am I bi like Rich? I guess it doesn't matter, but like, this kid, he's... okay, I'm just gonna say, um, write this, here it goes: His name is Michael Mell and he is one of the top class kids in the school. I just, everyone else seems to like Will, Nigel, and Nick better, but personally, I don't really think they're that hot. Like they're hot, but Michael... His hair is like this charcoal color and it's kind of like mine, short with a curl. And he has this face that just lights up sometimes, his glasses are always pushed up high on his face and when he walks he has these long strides and just this swagger to him. He always has these red headphones on, they say L and R. And he wears this red hoodie with a bunch of patches on it and I swear the other day I saw... I really think I saw a gay pride patch!? Maybe? Maybe, I'm just seeing things. Michael is just, he reminds me of myself and I want to talk to him because it's not just the way he looks. He has this nerdy and geeky and dorky voice that is also smooth?!? Like is that even possible? But it is, but it's not just that. He has this kind and quiet, but also loud personality too. Like he's the quietest of the top class, but sometimes I've seen him singing in the hallways. It sounds like Marley, sometimes Elvis. I wonder if he likes video games? I mean he seems like he would, but I've never talked to him. I mean I want to, but like I can't! I just get so flustered and plus I'm a lower class, no way he would even say anything back, not to mention like me... I am definitely not telling Rich or Jake. They'd only tease me. Maybe Christine, but she talks to Jenna quite a bit so... I just need to ignore this, nobody needs to know...


Jeremy sighed and leaned his head back against the concrete of the wall, closing his eyes. "God, what the hell am I gonna do?" He mumbled to himself, "time to move to a different country I guess."

"Or you could stay and smoke a joint with me?" Said a quirky voice to the left of him. His eyes shot open and he spun to face the stranger- Michael was staring at him, his elbow propped against the wall while he smirked at Jeremy.

The curly-haired boy opened his mouth to reply, but his throat dried up. Michael's hair was combed lazily back and the familiar red hoodie was wrinkled slightly, the patches shining brightly on the sleeves. And then Jeremy saw it clearly, a rainbow patch was sewed onto the left sleeve. He blinked rapidly and looked back up into Michael's hazel eyes. They shone with curiosity and a slight quirkiness, his eyebrows raised.

"Name's Michael," the slightly taller male said, extending his hand his hand out to Jeremy.

"J-J-Jeremy," he managed to reply, his face burning crimson. Was Michael Mell seriously speaking to him, a lower class loser? Why would he even bother to care? A lot of people had a crush on the upper-class kids! Had Jenna convinced him to go talk to him??

Questions clouded Jeremy's brain as he tried to calm his nerves, but he managed to shake Michael's hand. The higher class's boy's skin was soft and his grip loose, nevertheless Jeremy shivered when they made contact.

"Sorry, should have warned you, my blood runs cold- well not really, but you know what I mean. Anyway, I'm always cold, despite my hoodie." Michael explained, laughing a bit and smiling softly.

Jeremy laughed nervously and managed a smile back. "I-it's fine. I-I'm usually c-cold too." He replied, rubbing his arm and looking away shyly.

"Coolio. So about my offer?" Michael asked. He turned his head to look back at him.


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