1 - Outsider

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→ This story will contain BL themes (Boys Love). So, as you may know, this will be focused with the boys.
→ There could be lime scenes.
→ There will be manga spoilers in the future, will give spoiler warning if so!
→ There could be some OCness and fanservice... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


chapter one — outsider


You blinked, trying to focus your vision, but the sun blinded you, making them close again. Slowly, you shifted in a more comfortable position— sitting down, rubbing your eyes.

You felt as if you just woke up from a nightmare, but that was unlikely— you didn't remember any dream you were having.

Opening your eyes again, you try and focus on your surroundings; green. Looking around you just could see big trees, bushes, and more more trees. Were you in a forest...?

Standing up, you look everywhere around you, trying to spot something that could give you an answer— but nothing happened. The only sounds were your breathing and the signing of the birds. It seemed you were completely alone.

How did you get here? Where were you? You tried to remember something before you woke up— but a unbearable pain in your head made you instantly stop. Grabbing your head, you closed your eyes and grunted— trying to calm the pain.

Alright, alright, no more remembering for now. Feeling the pain slowly going away, you decided to walk around the forest. If you walked a little, maybe you could find somebody and get help!

Walking in a random path, you tried to remain calm. Taking long breaths, you tried to not get lost. The rays of the sun couldn't be seen now; there wasn't any free spot the trees could give, but the forest wasn't that dark, thankfully.

Come on, ——! This is the time to be a big boy.

Uh? ——? What?

The fogged word confused you— it was like you knew that word, but just couldn't say it. It was at the tip of your tongue; but as you could slightly see it, it faded away. ——...


You instantly stopped walking, confused and frightened by a sudden question:

Who were you?

What was your name? You desperately tried to remember, but just like before, the pain returned, fogging your mind. Nevertheless, your desperation was stronger than the pain you felt, and so you just tried to remember something— anything.

But just pain came.

You tried to image how you looked like, but nothing came to mind. You were faceless— an empty vessel. You looked at your small hands; trying to feel something else than your desperation, but you felt nothing.

This wasn't right.

And if something could heard your silent pleads, you could faintly hear a noise from far away— a sound you didn't quite understand. But whatever it was, you could hear multiple sounds coming. You hurriedly run thought the trees and bushes, until you were in a path where the sun lighten the way.

You waited in the same spot; you somehow knew that whatever was coming, it was coming right at you. You could hear it very well— even if it sounded far away.

And just like you imagined, multiple horses came to your view, and you could see... people! Like... five? six? You weren't quite sure; but that didn't matter. You found people!

e m p t y // various x male!reader [Shingeki No Kyojin]Where stories live. Discover now