The Stranger

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I didn't even look up. " Let him stay, he'll be more stable here. Parting with the house would drive him even more insane." We both knew that. She turned around and walked away. I told my mom goodbye and that I love her. Then I went to the house and into my room.

My room is a typical teenager's room. Posters of my favorite shows, pictures of my mom, dad and me when she was still alive. I have a shelf full of things that my mom gave me like stuffed animals and a few books. One thing that i have in my room that other people probably don't is seven six foot tall bookshelves filled to the brim with books. I've read most all of them. Books are what take up most of all of my time. I read to travel. I travel to the closet of Narnia or meet the gods of Olympus or travel to the far reaches of the galaxy. I feel like the people inside the books are my best friends but they are not real. They are made up. A person brought to life by the imagination of the writer. Since I have a huge room, I have my own living space with a couch and some bean bags, a television and a new gaming system that I got for Christmas.

I walked out on my balcony. It was already dark. Then I prayed a silent prayer to the stars for someone that won't leave me alone and that will be my friend, that will keep me company at all times. Then I went and got ready for bed. It was really hot, so that meant that it is really hot in my room. So I decided to sleep in my shorts. I made sure that I had a really thin blanket then I went to sleep.

I dreamt of that day I saw my mother get run over but this time she was talking to me. "Alex no matter who you become and what you do with your life, just remember that I will always be proud of you." then I woke up crying, I just miss her so much. I wiped the tears away with my blanket then I went back to sleep. The next morning, I woke up and I heard a knock on my door. "Come in," I said. It was my father's secretary. " Today you are going to have a haircut in two hours and then you have martial arts."

"I don't want a haircut. I like it how it is." She gave me a look and then she swiped on her tablet then left my room. Right as the door closed, I noticed that there was something at the bottom of my bed on the floor. It looked like a boy, his head was in his arms and I couldn't see his face. His hair was kind of long and was dark brown. I had no idea what to do. I've never had a stranger in my room, much less one that I don't recognize. I crawled to the bottom of my bed. "Um excuse me?" I lightly touched his head and he looked up his chestnut hair was a little above his shoulder and it covered one eye. He looked to be the same age as me and he could be a model. " Oh," he said with a smile "Good morning Alexander." I didn't know what to do. How did this boy know my name? And even more importantly, how did he get into my room? "Who are you and how did you get into my room?" I said hastily. "Well my name is Charles and I heard your prayer."

"How on Earth did you hear that, I didn't even say it out loud."

"Well you see," he said while standing up. I saw that he was wearing a light blue, too big long sleeve shirt so I could see his collar bones, some jeans, and no shoes. All which made him look surprisingly feminine. His skin was pale like snow and his eye was ice blue. "I work for a god, mostly as his secretary, listening to prayers that are to no one in particular Then judging if that prayer should be answered or not. Then if I deem them worthy, I take them to my boss and he'll grant them that prayer, but this one he didn't quite know how to do this, so I'm the solution that he decided on and for now only you can see me until we work out the kinks." He gave me a warm smile. I kind of just awkwardly and self consciously pulled my sheet over my shorts. "So let me get this straight. You work for a god and grant peoples prayers?"

"Yes. that is correct." I could already feel the sweat dripping down my face and down my back. I need to get a shirt on I thought. "So um... can you leave my room for a bit I um... need to take a shower." he looked confused for a moment and then got up from his spot on the floor. "Of course." Then he walked to the door and then walked into the door with a bang. He stepped back and stared at the door. "You need to pull on it," I said. "Oh." then he tried to open the door his hand just passed through the handle and he sighed. "So um... could you um... open the door for me?" I got up and opened the door for him. He thanked me and walked out and I closed the door.

The One I Lost and The One That Found MeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt