01 | Introducting Yourself

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When you meet someone new, always, always introduce yourself. This should be a given (in my own personal opinion that nobody wants to hear but is going to hear anyways), but  a lot of people don't do this. I've had what can be added up to be hordes of people just come up and say "Hey, you're AJ, right?" and then start a conversation with me while leaving me to guess who they are and who sent them.

And realistically, I'm sure that that's how a lot of people feel when you don't introduce yourself to them. Obviously, if you're only gonna see this person this one time in your life, it isn't necessary to introduce yourself to them, but if you're going to be holding up a conversation, at least give them a name or nickname to use to refer to you.

So, here you go:

Hi! I'm AJ. I write poetry and fanfiction in my spare time, which is getting to be less and less every day, and I'm making this guide for anyone who needs crappy advice from a crappy girl.

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