Weren't We All

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"How did you sleep Y/N?" Edd asked as I walked into the kitchen that morning. I glanced around - each one of the boys seemed to have their place in the kitchen. Tom was standing at a counter waiting for toast, Edd sat at the head of the table eating some kind of colourful cereal, Matt sat next to him eating some sort of gooey, messy...thing, and Tord sat at the opposite end, browsing the web on his phone with a sandwich placed next to him. I took the seat opposite the ginger and sighed. "I slept fine except for when I woke up in the middle of the night." I slumped back in the chair, rubbing my eyes.

"Sorry about that. There's these guys-"
"Don't apologize. It's not your fault."
"Wait. How did you not wake up?" Tom turned, facing the Norwegian. Tord looked up and said:
"You know, I have ways of keeping the silence." He smirked, standing, "Now, if you had a brain, you'd invest in some earmuffs." Tord was now only inches away from Tom. Just then, the toaster went off. Tom gave the man in red a glare, grabbed the toast sat at the table.

I turned back to Edd and continued our conversation. "Though it did allow Tom and I to bond, per-say." Edd beamed.
"That's great!!" He leaned in closer to me, "Tom's a very closed off person. At least he's hanging out with you." He smiled.
"It's not that hard to talk to him." I laughed.
"Edd." I voice said from behind. Edd sighed.
"Yes Matt." He turned to face him. The ginger gestured towards the two boys at the lower end at the table. They seemed to be having a silent fight of the sorts. Edd sighed once more. "Go clean yourself up, I'll deal with them." Edd walked over behind, and began to slowing place his hands on their shoulders. "And what do you think you two are doing?" They froze, but Tom quickly relaxed.
"Ask Commie, he started this." He spat.
"Not like you care anyway, Jehovah."
"Oh, fuck off!" At that moment, Edd practically dragged Tom from his seat by the hoodie and out the room, anger and frustration written on his face.

So, there we were. Just the two of us left at the table. "So..." Tord began, "Y/N...what's up?" I glanced around.
"The ceiling." I slightly pointed upwards, making eye contact with the one in red. He chuckled, standing and taking the seat next to me. "You're a tough one, aren't you?"
"You could say that." I agreed.
"But, um." He tapped at the table. The conversation was getting awkward. "What's your story? Why do you own a knife? Why are you here?" I stared at him then down at the table. What a personal question. I didn't exactly know what to say or where to start. Honestly, I figured Edd would tell the other two why I'm here, but it wasn't a hard question. Tord sighed. "I know. You don't wanna talk about it. Honestly, I don't talk about my past either--."

"Why?" He nervously smiled.

"It's not really something you should worry about."

"Why not? I have reasons for not talking about my past, what are yours?"

"I was...different..." He was trying to find the right words.

"Weren't we all, mister Larson?" Tord had shut up by now. He just didn't know what to say. "Honestly, there's two ways this 'caregiver' relationship can go. Either you stay out of my business and I'll stay out of yours, then we can be chill friends." I took a quick breath, "Or we can annoy each other to death with these questions, and end up despising the other one's company."

"Honestly, I prefer the first option."

"Good. I'd prefer to be friends as well."

Tord smiled, "You're actually quite mature for your age. I like that."

"It's just something you pick up when your friends are preferably adults."

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2019 ⏰

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