"I worry, anyway."

"I know you do."

And they stay there, just like that, for a few moments longer, before Soonyoung turns slowly so that he can wrap his arms around Jihoon and let the boy's head rest against his chest, instead. Jihoon is adorably small, Soonyoung is terribly endeared, and it's comfortable, just the two of them alone in this part of the library. He doesn't stop himself from pressing a chaste kiss to the top of Jihoon's head.

"Did you say we're as significant as the Big Bang?" he asks, absentmindedly running his palm along the length of Jihoon's spine. The latter nods.

"I did," he mumbles.

"I like that."

"For the record," he says, and this comes much, much later in the evening, when they're both laying on his bed again and staring up at those old sticky stars. "For the record. I don't think we came about the way the universe did. The Big Bang or whatever."


"No. Still important, but ... gentler. Not so many exploding suns and fiery asteroids. More like, like soft? Sort of easy and slow, and nice. Less violent."

"That's good."

"Yeah," Jihoon whispers. "It is."

It's good, it is. He won't mess it up. Soonyoung won't reach out and grab Jihoon's hand and hold it to his chest, even if he really wants to. He won't kiss his forehead and tell him he likes him a lot more than he's meant to. That's not the sort of thing he can just do. Not if he wants to maintain that good they've got going.

And he does, oh, he really does.

They're in math, flipping through worksheets. The class had let out a collective groan when the teacher started handing them out - worksheets aren't the most fun things in the world - but Soonyoung doesn't entirely mind, in all honesty. It just means free time to talk to Jihoon without the teacher threatening to make him leave the room; something about being disruptive, which Soonyoung thinks is ridiculous.

More often than not, he manages to get through a total of three questions on his own, and it's gotten to the point where he doesn't even have to ask for Jihoon to slide his paper over for copying. It's not that he can't do them, it's just - well, he doesn't want to, frankly.

But now they're both finished, because Jihoon whips through these things so quickly - he's so smart, and Soonyoung will take any chance to say it - and they've got a good thirty minutes left before class lets out. There's a pause in Soonyoung's rambling, and Jihoon takes the opportunity to speak up.

"Hey," he says, and it's cautious; a small pebble hitting water, rippling outward with the weight of what he wants to ask, and Soonyoung waits for him to continue.  "You know about, like ... compatibility and all that, right? With the signs?"

Which, alright, yes. The answer to that question is yes. Soonyoung, as a matter of fact, knows a lot about sign compatibility - some signs more than others, sure - but he's not sure what Jihoon's getting at -

"So, I mean, what do you think of Vernon and Seungkwan?"

Oh. Okay, then.

"Uh, Vernon and - ? Right, um, I mean. Yeah."

Moonwatcher; SoonhoonWhere stories live. Discover now