Chapter 1! The Start of Something New

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the girl on the left is Kyrah. I really hope you like this story and eh, keep reading! And I want active readers, so please comment your feedback and vote!-Jadee


 Kyrah’s POV

“Oh My god Dany, that’s great!” I screeched into the phone.

“I know! I’m so excited, the wedding's gonna be in six weeks!”

”Wait, what? Six week? That’s a little soon don’t you think?”

“Yeah but, he’s going to be leaving for tour after that and we don’t want to have to wait too long.”


“So you need to get down here this weekend because I need help with everything.”

”Umm, okay I can come down Friday but where am I gonna stay?”

“You can stay here with me and the boys silly.”

“Haha okay Dany. So I best be going. Bye i’ll see you in a couple days!.”

Yeah, I know, I know. I should be way more excited form my best friend. She’s getting married. But, I don’t know, the idea of her marrying a boy from One Direction? It just didn’t feel right. Louis seemed like and amazing guy, but I’m just really protective of her. I don’t want her to get hurt. I went up stairs and began to pack my stuff. I was almost done when my phone went off. It was Drew.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Hey, Ky. Did you hear about Dany?”

“Yeah, I’m going down tomorrow.”

”Thats great, I am too. Hopefully we have to share a room…” He said trying to sound cheeky.

”Ugh, no Drew. How many times do I have to tell you that I don’t like you?” Me and Drew had hooked up enough times, but we were both drunk and it didn’t mean anything.

“Obviously you’re gonna have to tell me some more.” He snickered.

”Whatever. Bye Drew.”

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