Hiding our relationship (Hoodie x Male! Reader)

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

"BRIAN!" I screamed. I heard someone run from me knowing who it was. I growled kicking down the door. Only to be tackled by the one, Hoodie. He had his mask but i knew he was smiling. I kicked and screams as he tired me up "Brian! I going to kill you" i yelled. I heard him chuckle before feeling him kissing my forehead. i blushed and looked up to see him without his mask. Showing off his yellow-orange eyes, he smiled down at him. I soon smiled back before we heard someone coming. My eyes widen as I pretend to fight Hoodie "Damnit (Y/)" Hoodie yelled. Masky came in as he saw us "Hoodie Slender need us for another damn mission" He said before walking out of the room. Hoodie nods as he pushed me off. I smiled as we both got up. Once Maksy lefted completely Hoodie pecked my lips as I smiled "See you after babe" he said. I nods as he left me. I sighed still abit mad at Hoodie, He freaking coloured on my face when I was sleeping with a bright pink marker.

((Sorry if it short, I couldn't think of anything else but it still cute, I think?))

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