Old childhood friend (Hoodie x Female! Reader)

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Hoodie's P.O.V

I watched her sleep in her bedroom thinking how we were kids before i became a proxy. I smiled at how beautiful she grown. Tomorrow she's turning 24 its been 19 years since we last talked.

I was wondering around the park i was 6 year old. i wasn't looking were i was going so i bumped into a girl.

"Oh, im sorry miss"

"I-it's ok"

I blushed when she spoke she also blushed.

I smiled as i gently ran my fingers crossed her hair. So soft and smooth. My feelings grow fo her still grow each time i saw her smile and broke it when she cried. I wish i was there to comfort her it wasn't me It was someone else. He was the one she grow feels not me. I was so damn mad and jealous when i found out she was dating someone. I growled when i heard she was getting married, next mouth.

Sighing i got up and pecked her forehead. Knowing she will awake soon since her jobs starts at 8:30 am and its 8:28. I opened the window and turned back to look at her one last time.

"I love you, (Y/N)"

Proxy x Reader's One-ShotTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang