Can't hurt you PT. 2 (Masky x Female! Reader)

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(Y/N) touched the bottom of their neck, feeling the outline of a red mark left by the masked man. It's been a few days since the incident occurred, as (Y/N) was scared to re-enter the woods again but the identity of the masked man keep her mind awake, and it wasn't doing it for her. She had a online test tomorrow, needing the sleep but instead, her mind was curious about the man who tried to HARM you! as the thought made her heart warm, a strange feeling indeed but why did he let you go.

She hummed, staring up at the ceiling as she laid in the dark room or so an apartment she was renting till she finished school. It was midnight, the moon deciding to join the stars this cold night. It was the full moon so the light casted over the street and into her window, she turned herself on her side so she could stare put the window. The apartment building was near the woods entrance, she cursed herself for renting a room so close to the woods. Then the same thought came into mind, why did he let you go?.

(Y/N) groans in annoyance, and got out from bed. The place was cold, like it as was since she didn't like having any heaters being on during the night. She pulled on a hoodie from off the chair, it was clean as she throw most of her clothing on the office chairs "I'll fold them tomorrow" she'd always told herself but ends up forgetting from studying. She walked out from her room, in her living room as the kitchen and the living area were connected. She walked up to the fridge, opening the door to met with a bright light. She squirts her eyes a bit, covering her eyes a bit. (Y/N) took the milk carton, already open as she reopen the lid. She took a small gulp of the milk, calming her nervous on the matter. That was till a knock came from the door, she nearly dropped the carton. She set it down on the counter, her eyes on the door "oh god.." she mumbles. Another knock but louder this time, (Y/N) approached the door as she slowly grabbed a wooden spoon for a weapon.

She twist the knob, and quickly swug it open as she cried out "(Y/N)! Wait-" a female voice screams, Sheldon herself as (Y/N) dare to hit her but stopped, it was one of her friends. The one who dared (Y/N) to enter those woods, the slender woods.

"Jess? What are you doing here so late, you know I have a test tomorrow"

(Y/N) questioned, scanning the woman outfit as she looked like she had rushed here which she did but for what. Jesse was panting hard from running a mile, getting hear as quick as she could after hearing the late night news. A murderer was in town again, it's white masked very new to the news as past killers were said to live in these very woods. Jesse was the one who dared (Y/N) to enter the woods because of the news, as she called it fake till (Y/N) came back, Jesse knew about the masked man in the woods since you instantly told her on the bat before trying to fight her.

Jesse stood stiff by the door, motionless as (Y/N) gave a confused look at her friend "Jesse? Are you okay" she asked coming close to the girl before suddenly, she saw a glimpse of the knife Jesse held and immediately backs off, quick to avoid the knife from slashing her throat. Jesse swag the knife, cursing when (Y/N) moved backward from her grasp as she was about to attack again till (Y/N) gasp, looking behind her as Jesse world became black.

Jesse body hit the ground, covering her mouth from making a scream when she watched her attacker get knocked out as blood flooding out from her head. She gazed over at the masked man that stood there with a lead pipe in hand, staring at (Y/N) as his cold eyes soften when she looked at him. He approached the woman, pulling her into his arms as he buried his face in her shoulder closing his eyes. (Y/N) stood there, speechless as she heard him mumble.

"I couldn't let her hurt you...not anymore"

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