"Ohonhonhonhon~ That is where you are wrong Gilbert!" The blonde took his turn to talk next.

"Fusosososo~ I saw the chica before the two of you! Especially you Francis~!"

Gilbert frowned. "Antonio! Francis! Jou two don't get it, Zhe one who sees her first get her. Zhis is simple boy code!" Gilbert yelled, obviously impatient with his best friends.

"I say we do Rock Paper Scissors to see who gets her~." Antonio smiled.

"That's not fair! I saw the Frau first!" Gilbert was the first to respond.

"No way mon ami!! That's not fair because I saw her first!" Francis frowned.

Little did they know that you were already walking towards them...

>with you<

Since they were giving off quite a bit of commotion, you divided to see what was wrong.

"Hello?" You said, I front of them.

The three immediately stopped their fighting and smiled at you.

"Hello chica!" Antonio was the first to get words to come out of his surprised and shocked mouth.

"I'm sorry for interrupting you, but are you guys aright? I saw your fight and came over just to make sure." You smiled cutely.

"Yes, ve are OK, but Danke (Thank/thank you) for checking!" Gilbert smiled, pushing Francis's and Antonio's heads down.

"No problem, my name's _____!" You introduced yourself.

"Ohonhonhonhon~ My name's Francis mon ami~!" Francis shook Gilbert off his head and smiled at you.

"My name is Zhe totally avesome Gilbert, but you may call me Gil or Gilbert Frau~!" Gilbert smiled.

"And I'm Antonio! Nice to meet you chica~!" Antonio smiled along with his friends.

"Well it's nice to meet all of you, hopefully see you around?" You waved and took your leave on the beach.

"I think I'm in love~!" They all mumbled together and started fighting again.


The blonde Brit sat on the beach, reading a cookbook and sipping tea. The beach bored him, and he was slightly confused why he let his friends bring him along with them.

Arthur sighed and took another sip of his tea. 4 more hours until he would leave. He had to admit he was enjoying himself to an extent.

I mean, what could be better than tea, a good book, and the ocean?

He was just about to turn the page when he heard,


Arthur looked up from his book and saw a (h/c) girl laying on the sand on her chest.

"I'm so sorry love, are you alright?" Arthur asked as he got up and offered his hand out to the girl.

"Yes, I'm fine. Thanks." She took it.

"No problem love. I'm sorry you tripped on my friend's stuff."

"It's OK."

"My name's Arthur, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"My name's _____." She smiled.

"The pleasure's all mine _____." Arthur smiled back as he felt his heart flutter.

_____ blushed and looked away. "I'll see you around?"

"I'm sure you will." Arthur blushed too as she walked away.

I think I'm in love..


You were starting to think there was a serious problem with this beach.

You had only been here an hour, and had already met a bunch of cute boys.

There was Alfred, Antonio, Gilbert, Francis, and now Arthur!

What the hell is going on?!

Sure enough, the day went on just like any other. You continued to walk around when you heard someone crying.

Being the helpful person you are, you followed your ears and came across a boy huddled on the beach.

"Are you alright?" You asked, getting down to his level. He had dirty blonde hair with a curl sticking out of his head, you couldn't see his face because it was buried in his knees.

"M-me?" He asked, lifting up his head.

Your eyes widened, he was another really hot guy! He was wearing glasses and had violet eyes. He had in an Eskimo jacket on and was clutching a polar bear.

"Yes you silly! Are you OK?" You smiled.

"O-oh, y-yes I'm O-OK...." He looked down.

"My name's _____, what's yours?" You smiled softly.

"I'm Matthew..." He said softly.

"Are you sure you're alright? You were crying earlier."

"It's just, no one notices me. T-they always m-mistake me f-for my b-brother.."

"That's so sad..."

"A-and to m-make it e-even worse, h-he doesn't n-notice m-m-me either.."

You smiled softly. "Well I notice you, Matthew..."

He smiled back. "Thanks _____..."

"No problem Hey, do you live here by any chance?" You asked.

"I do now, me and my brother just moved here."

"Well then I will see you around then~!"

"Yes, I suppose you will."

"I'll see you around Matt!"

"Bye _____!"


_____, what a pretty name for such a nice girl..

There was something about that (h/c) haired (e/c) eyed girl that made the shy boy's heart go a flutter.

"I think I'm in love~"

So how was it so far?

Looks like reader-chan is going to be in trouble by the end of the day!

I bet you can't wait until all the countries get together after the beach and find out they like the same girl!!


I saw Her First! {Hetalia X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now