This is Halloween

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Halloween. The one holiday you hate, only because of trick or treaters coming to your house trying to get free candy. You hate spoiled, rotten kids. One time, you didn't buy candy for those dumb kids and when it was time for the trick or treaters to go trick or treating, the little demons were banging on the door and kept ringing the doorbell like physcopaths.

You answered the door and they said 'trick or treat' but in a threatening way. You slammed the door in their face and had to face angry parents. One particular parent got so mad that he called the police. The cops showed up and the only good thing that happened was that the cops took your side and told the parents and kids to leave.

That was two years ago and ever since then, you were always on guard. All lights were off and the doors and windows were locked to prevent anyone from entering. But on this Halloween, the weather was nice and cool. Trick or treating wouldn't start for another hour, so you decided to take a walk in the woods to clear your mind before turning into a territorial animal.

The woods was charming at night with only the sounds of the rustling leafs, the twigs snapping underneath your shoes, the distant owl making its hooting sounds, and a small nearby stream constantly running. There was a trail, but you decided to go your own way.

Which was way off course.

The woods started to change, in a weird way. The trees started to look the same and the moon was becoming more illuminated. Before long, the ground became a color of brown with a small hint of black. You looked around wondering what happened but you then saw some trees planted in a circle.

'That's weird' you thought to yourself. It was like a mushroom circle, only, the shape was more accurate. Upon closer inspection, the trees had symbols on them. One had a turkey, another had a Christmas tree on it, and one had a heart, another had a shamrock, and one had an Easter egg.

But the last one caught your eye. It was a pumpkin with a face carving. You walked up to it and when you were only two feet from it, its little triangle nose was a small doorknob. Being as curious as you were, you twisted the door knob and opened the pumpkin door.

There was nothing inside. 'Well, that makes no sense' you thought. You were about to close the door, but a sudden gush of wind pulled you inside and you screamed as you went down a dark void with the pumpkin door closing.

You wake up on the ground, feeling drowsy and a little shaken. The trees still looked the same but the moon was so bright and was now a full moon. Before, it was a crescent moon. You stood up and tried walking but you fell down. You groaned in pain and stood up again to continue forward.

There was no path. You were lost. What was that pumpkin door!? You stood up and continued to walk, hoping to find something that could tell you where you are while trying to remain calm. The walk was long, but you eventually came across a narrow walk way that led to a cemetery with a hill that had a long curl at the end.

You continued walking but something caught your attention. From the distance, you saw that it was man. A man who was out of shape and seemed to be hunched forward. Something was sticking out of his head. It looked like a stick, but it looked more like an axe! This man was hauling a scarecrow on a mount and heading through the big cemetery gates to a very creepy looking town.

It looked like it was the only piece of civilization within miles. You followed after the axe man and could faintly hear singing. When you got closer, the singing became clear but you decided to hide behind a stone wall and peek over the top to see what was going on. And what you saw was the strangest thing you ever laid your eyes on.

There were monsters, all over the place. There were witches, a clown on a unicycle, a walking tree with a face and with skeletons hanging from the branches by the neck with nooses, a devil, a weird man wearing a ribbon on his top that said 'Mayor', a werewolf, vampires, zombies, some weird fish looking monster, a man with his face constantly melting, a small mummy, a monster with a spider on his head and with snakes as fingers, and a monster with striped sticks sticking out on top of it's head.

This was very strange to look at but what they were singing was intriguing.

In this town,

Don't we love it now.

Everyone's waiting for the next surprise.

The axe man was then seen hauling the scarecrow on the mount and was walking towards the fountain in the middle with green water spewing from it.

Skeleton Jack might catch you in the back

And scream like a banshee

Make you jump out of your skin.

This is Halloween,

Everybody scream

Won't ya please make way for a very special guy.

The scarecrow on the mount grabbed a torch that someone was holding and held like he was going to do something with it. And he did. He lit himself on fire and started dancing on the mount.

Our man Jack is king of the pumpkin patch

Everyone hail to the Pumpkin King!

This is Halloween! x2

Halloween! x4

The scarecrow jumped off the mount and dived into the fountain. The monsters continued to sing the rather catchy song.

In this town,

We call home,

Everyone hail to the pumpkin song.

What you saw next was very intriguing. A very tall and very slender skeleton emerging from the fountain with his long arms wrapped around him. He had a smile on his skull and the monsters seemed to worship him. This skeleton wore a pin stripe suit and a striped and spikey bow with a small black cat face in the middle of the bow.

The two witches started laughing and the other monsters started to congratulate one another for what they did. The tall skeleton stepped down from the fountain and the one with the mayor ribbon said, "Great Halloween, Jack"!

"I believe it was our most horrible yet. Thank you everyone" said the skeleton. "No! Thanks to you, Jack. Without your brilliant leadership" said the mayor. "Not at all Mayor".

The monsters started praising him. They sounded more like insults rather than complements. The skeleton, who's apparently named Jack, started to look like he was getting uncomfortable and making his way towards the way you came. "Hold on, it's time for the rewards" said the mayor.

Jack, the skeleton, ran off and you went behind the wall and found another gate and slipped through. You could hear Jack and someone else speak. "Nice work, bone-daddy".

"Yeah, I guess so. Just like last year. And the year before that... and the year before that..." said Jack as the gate opened and he started to head towards the cemetery. In all honesty, he seemed to be the most normal out of the rest of the monsters, so it would be best if he could point out where you are and how to get back.

So, you should follow him before he gets away.

Author's notes:

Alrighty, this concludes the fisrt chapter of my Jack Skellington fanfiction. I wanted to get this published on Halloween, but I couldn't get it finished in time because of dumb trick or treaters.

Sorry for any typos that you discover.

Make sure to follow me for future updates!

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed, bye bye😊

The Love from a Skeleton (Jack Skellington X Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora