"Because we're going to sleep."


I place a finger on her lips shushing her and giving her a smile. "Stop worrying, now go back to sleep and when you wake up I assure you Michelle, Emma and Daniel will be back to you. I promise you'll have your kids back."

I place her down on the bed and tuck the covers over her. Placing a kiss on her cheek, forehead and quick peck on the lips I turn to leave. Before my fingertips leave the soft bed spreading Alice latches onto me. I turn to look back at her, but tears have started to run down her face as her face expresses how miserable she feels. "Don't leave... please stay with me!"

I cannot say no to that adorable face, but Tony told me not to be in the same room with her. I'm not offended and adore the way he is trying to protect her, although I'll never hurt her. "But you dad-"

"I don't care what my dad said. Please stay with me. I cant face the night alone."

Staring into her eyes I see total honesty and despair. My poor love. "Of course I'll stay with you." I walk over to the other side and lay down on top of the covers, wrapping my arms around her body. She sighs shakily and lays her head on top of my chest, her hands freezing. She'll warm up soon. Kissing the top of her head I relax into the mattress and listen for a while waiting to hear the soft snores of Alice. Soon enough I hear it.


Hours Later...



I wake up to the door bell sounding throughout the entire house. I open my eyes and look over at Alice. She stirs a little, but doesn't fully wake up. "Michael?" She whispers softly. I don't reply because I don't want to wake her up completely.

Instead I sit up and look at the door. There is no light downstairs meaning no one has woken up from the sound except me. Guess Alice's family is heavy sleepers like her. I'm a light sleeper and cannot sleep through noise, unless I'm the one making the noise.

I roll my eyes as the bell rings again. Ugh! My eyes flicker to Alice, whom hasn't moved since the second ring, than the clock. My eyes open a tiny bit more to see the time. What the hell!!?? It's 12 a.m.!!! It's midnight! Who in their right mind would be here at midnight!?

Ugh! I crawl out of bed, careful not to wake Alice and walk out of the room. The doorbell rings continue until I make it downstairs. Turning on the light I rub my eyes and drowsily make my way to the door. I hear footsteps behind me and I turn around to find Bella standing there, robe wrapped around her tightly. "I thought you were asleep." I told her.

She shakes her head, "I'm not a heavy sleeper, but Edward and everyone else is." I nod knowingly seeing that Alice didn't move a muscle towards the sound. I look into the peep hole and find nothing... What?

Opening the door slightly annoyed and extremely tired. I'm about to yell when I see her.

At first she's not visible through the darkness and I can barely make out her silhouette, but as soon as I see them- the three tiny figures in her arms- I stop myself. I hear Bella gasp from behind me, but I'm staring at the four of them dumbfounded. It has to be 50 degrees outside and all she's wearing is a light sweater while the other three are bundled up. She looks up at me, tears in her eyes and shaking like a leaf. Instantly I take a sleeping Daniel and Emma out of Leah's arms and Bella walks out from behind me to grab Michelle from her other arm. It's a wonder how she could fit all kids in her arms without dropping one.

Bella reacts before I do, "Leah! It's 50 degrees outside, get inside!" she whispers harshly bringing her inside the warm house after taking Michelle.

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