Past-5 ( insecure)

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It all started when I was decorating the place for gauri
I wanted to make it special , I even hired an event manager to help
Me with the decorations
She was a stranger named Sonia
She was a bit strange seeing her advances towards me
But she was good at her job and she completed it pretty well
Sonia : looks pretty good isn't it
Om: yes just like I wanted
Here is the Cheque for your work and you can leave now
Sonia : before I go can I have a drink with you
I'm your fan
Om: I don't think so..
Sonia: please don't say no
Just one drink
Even though I was feeling uncomfortable
I said yes after her constant nagging
Om: ok just one
After drinking a glass , I didn't feel right my mind was blank and head was feeling heavy
And accidentally she spilled her drink on me
Sonia : I'm sorry sir
Let me wipe that off from
Om: no! I ..
I was feeling very hot
And with this shirt I was feeling suffocated
I removed it and was about to leave when Sonia suddenly started kissing me
I was not liking it
I was about to remove her from me
when . I heard .. my name
Gauri : omkaraji ?
Om: gauri ?
I was feeling dizzy and the image of gauri was a bit blurr
But I could see her cry and leave the place
Om: gauri wait ..
Sonia pov
After she was gone
I quickly messaged svethlana mam saying that my work was done
And I left the place immediately
Gauri pov
If my husband cheating made me hurt
My step mom message killed me totally
****message *******************
Svethlana : I heard from a little birdie that your husband cheated on you
It's barely a month after getting you pregnant
That your husband moved on
Just think what will he do if he knows you are not the real wife
He will leave you in a second darling
I feel bad you are in pain right
Just think about your children
Do you think he will love them
No gauri ! He doesn't care  about them
Nor he cares about you
If I was in your place I would have killed myself
But I don't think a shameless person like you would take that step
Glad to see you suffering gauri
Your step mom
******************end of message *******************************************
I woke up only to find myself alone im the terrace
My head was still heavy and I tried to find gauri
However I was amused not to find her
A series of events crossed my head
Gauri crying .. Sonia kissing me
And I immediately rushed to my room
When I reached my room it was locked
I began knocking it but gauri not open it
I cried out her name loud but still there was no response
I banged the door down and went inside
The room was dark and I could hear a faint sound of whispering in the corner
I switched on the lights only to see the room in a mess
And stains of blood everywhere
To my shock I found gauri sitting in a corner ,knocking her head against the wall
When I came close to her I found her hands drained of blood
Om: gauri ... what did you do to yourself ?
Gauri : I'm unwanted
I don't want to live
Those words pierced my heart enough to make it bleed
She was in a trauma, and thinking about her state I was worried
I immediately took her in my arms and rushed to the hospital
I felt like dying to see her
Why did she do this ?
Within mins all my family members reached the hospital
They were very worried and even angry as I told them the whole truth
And I even said that I will kill myself if something happenes to gauri
The first to react was Anika bhabhi her tight slap was enough for me to get into my senses
Anika : you must have thought about this when you were kissing the other girl
Shivaay: anika
He was drugged
Stop blaming him
Anika : no I will not stop
It's because of him
My gauri is in this hospital
Om: I'm sorry bhabhi I couldn't take care of her
When my tears dried out and Anika bhabhi finally calmed down
We got a news telling that my gauri is safe and her condition is now stabilized
I went to talk to her but she just avoided me
The days she was kept in the hospital were really painful
She would neither speak to me nor talk to me
Just would look out of the window or touch her stomach and cry
I tried to get her out of the trauma , we even bought that girl and made her confess she has drugged me
But gauri wouldn't react, she would behave as if I don't exist
After a month when she was discharged I bought her back to the house
But she didn't stay in our room she would just occupy the guest room and still she wouldn't talk
I could hear her talking in whispers with Anika bhabhi if she wanted anything
But with me it's was silent treatment
That was the last straw, desperate for her attention and my child's future
I tried to talk to her ...
Om: your wounds are healed up
Gauri :....
Om: how is the baby today ?
Gauri :....
Om: I need an answer dammit
We cannot continue like this
Whatever I had done was a mistake and unknown mistake
Can't you forgive me gauri
Please say something .. looking at you is killing me
I ...
Gauri : you want to leave me right
Please go ahead
Om: gauri what did you say ?
Why do you think like that?
Gauri: I'm no use to you
You can easily move on with anyone you find
All men are the same
My dad and you are the same
No one can be trust worthy
Om: gauri what are you talking ?
I'm I not trust worthy?
Except this mistake did I do anything else gauri?
Did I torture you or kept things from
You ?
I love you gauri
I will die for you
Please listen to me, whatever your thinking is nonsense
I promise on my life that there is no one other than you
Please trust me
Gauri pov
He tried to calm me down with his repeated kisses
They were soft and gentle which bought peace in my heart
And I tried to forget the pain in heart
I responded to the kisses which led us making love again
Sealing our union forever
Gauri pov
Like the storm leaves a few scars for remembrance
This incident just left a scar in my heart
A feeling of insecurity just scared me forever and I couldn't let go of it
Whenever I see omkara I could feel the presence of it
It's like I'm never the same anymore
Om tried all he can took care of me like a child who needed the utmost attention
But I on the other acted like I was fine and I had moved on
It's like a never ending tale of insecurities
I tried to blame my pregnancy but after seeing the ultrasound picture of my twins
I couldn't make my self do that
Seven months passed away like a breeze making me live in a constant fear under this insecure bubble
I only hope the day comes when I finally can accept the truth and move on
I want to live like omkaras wife and leave behind the fact that I was a replacement bride
Authors pov
Finally the past has come to an end
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