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lunamarie: okay so i'm gonna clear everything up because y'all are all freaking out and the only thing i can do is explain. also i didn't ask timothée if i can do this so if this tweet gets deleted y'all know what happened.
so timothée and i never actually "dated" you could say we had a little thing going for about a month and a half and it was good, like really good! but then it went bad (obviously)
quick disclaimer i'm not trying to victimize myself at ALL. this is what happened in my eyes, if timothée wants to share his side then like go off i guess.
so we talked every day and we visited each other quite a bit i feel like, and one day he just kinda started getting more distant. i still don't know why, and for a hot minute there i was convinced there was something wrong with ME which sucked.
he slowly just stopped talking to me without explanation, which literally sucked. and it still does,
cause i still don't know. but he unintentionally put me through hell and back. you can ask my close friends, i was not doing too well.
eventually i had to pick myself back up and not let this boy ruin my mood. what doesn't kill ya makes you stronger ya feel.
i'm sorry if this doesn't answer all your questions,
but at this point i'm just as confused as you. all that i know is timothée slowly talked to me less and less until he just quit replying. then i took a hint and it was over.
this was not made for you all to go hate on timothée. please don't. i just had a bad experience with a good

beautiful boy ! → timothee chalamet Where stories live. Discover now