A new outfit

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(Not my picture. I don't own JSRF. I don't own the characters. Have fun)

Warnings: may contain swearing

(Your pov)

I packed my to go to the garage again.
Keys? Check. Phone? Check. Inline skates? Check. When I made sure I got everything, I went out of my apartment and made my way to the garage. It was quite a busy day in shibuya. At the bus station, it got even worse. No one was moving, everyone was waiting to go on.

I hate people who go slow.

I hate people who block my way.

I hate people.                       ~(Made my day)

But then, very suddenly, everyone ran into different directions. And I soon understood why.  There was a poisen jam member spraying on the bus. I just ignored him. After all he kinda did help me with moving forward. So I continued my way to the garage.

When I finally reached it, Beat was nowhere to find. ,,Excuse me? Jazz right? Where is Beat.", I asked. ,,He's on a mission right now.", she said before looking at my whole appearance. ,,You know, if you want to become a GG, you need a new outfit.", she said smiling. Rhyth came over. ,,Yay! New outfit." Then they were gone.

I just sat down on the couch in the middle of the garage. Pots immediately jumped on the couch, then onto my legs. That dog really loved me. ,,Well hello beautiful.~" I looked up, expecting to see Beat. But it was Yoyo.
,,Hey Yoyo. I think your dog loves me.", I laughed. Everytime I tried to put Pots down, he stuggled to come back on my legs. ,,I think I do too. Yo.", I didn't knew what to answer at that, so I kept petting Pots.

(3rd pov)

,,Come on sexy.~ Don't give him all the attention.~" Yoyo sat down next to you. You on the other side grew really uncomfortable. Why the hell was he doing this? Before anything else could happen, Jazz stepped in. ,,Get off of her Yoyo. And take Pots with you.", she said while pulling Pots from your lap. He struggled to get out of her grip. ,,Not cool. Yo." With that, he skated away.

,,(Y/N), we got you some clothes that you can wear as a GG." said Jazz. ,,We hope you like them."


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Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

(If you don't like the outfit, think of another one

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

(If you don't like the outfit, think of another one.)

You thought these were great, so you wanted to put them on. ,,Hey, is there a place where I can change?", you asked.

,,Why? You could change here!"

,,Go away Yoyo!"

Rhyth led you behind a wall, Jazz watched Yoyo so he would't follow you. When you were done, you showed them. ,,You look amazing!" ,,Just like a GG!" You blushed a bit because of they're compliments. The guys came over too. ,,Not bad.", said Corn.
,,Amazing.", said Clutch. ,,Nice outfit!", said Garam. ,,Sexy.~", said Yoyo.

Corn then tapped your shoulder. ,,There's still one problem. You need to race me, Beat or Gum." Oh god no. Beat wasn't there, Gum hates you and Corn is way more skilled than you. ,,I guess I'll race you then.", you said really nervous. ,,Alright follow me.", Corn said.

(Ok I'm gonna keep this part short)

You went outside the garage. Corn led you in the middle of shibuya, where you started the race. You had a pretty bad start, but you were able to fix it again. You remembered the things Beat thought you. Grinding on railings, skating on wall, and so on. Hard to belive, but you actually won. ,,Congrats      (Y/N). Now your a GG."

You couldn't belive how lucky you were. Being a GG. And with that, your a rudie. Running away from the police, spraying stuff and skate all day. From now on, your live will be really crazy and messed up. But you could't care less.

You and Corn went back to the garage. On the couch sat Beat. He looked over and smiled. ,,There you are! I was wondering where you were." Corn answered to that. ,,She had her test just a few minutes ago." Beat looked at you suprised. ,,And? Did she fail?", asked Gum, ready to laugh at you.
,,She passed." Everyone cheered. Everyone exept Gum. The guys picked you up and cheered even louder.

After a while they put you down again. Beat was still holding you in his arms. ,,This is amazing! Your a GG!" This time it was you time to make him blush. You kissed him in the cheek. He blushed bright red and looked at you. ,,Thank you Beat." ,,For what?", he asked while he stuttered a bit.
,,For the lessons. I could't make it without you."

And with that the GG's celebrated the whole night. They were happy for they're new member. ,,Btw, you look great in these clothes." ,,Thank you Beat."

(Yeah that chapter was a bit short for what I normaly do, but I guess it's fine. You just enjoy Halloween. And the chapter of course.
I hope you liked it.♡)

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