Lessons in skating

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(Not my picture. I don't own JSRF. I don't own the characters. Have fun)

Warnings: Contains swearing.

(3rd pov)

You made a decidion. You were going to become a GG. Now you only needed to train skating. Since Beat offered you to give you lessons, and he gave you the GG's address, you were going there to meet him. The address kinda confused you, it was in the middle of nowhere, between the buildings. Well, it was kinda smart, since nobody would be looking for them there.

When you arrived, you were in a big open place with a bit furniture. There were rudies everywhere. You stepped in further.
All the GG's suddenly looked at you shocked.
,,Um... hi?", you said, hoping they would react positive. But no. ,,Intruder!", one of them yelled. Before you could realize what happend, they surrounded you and pointed spray cans at you.

Well, here goes nothing.

,,I-Is Beat here?", You asked really quiet. But they understood anyways. Some of them pulled they're spray cans away, but most of them didn't. One being a blond girl who was wearing a lot of green. She looked really angry. ,,Who are you? How do you know Beat?" You have never been this scared before. ,,B-Beat invited me h-here."
She looked at you confused, then angry again. ,,Sure, as if Beat would be dumb enough to invite a stranger here."

,,Apparently I am.", you heard from behind the girl. There he was. ,,Why would you do that?", she looked kinda irritated. ,,Oh come on Gum, don't be like that. Put the can down." So her name was Gum. Nice. ,,I won't ask again Beat. Why is she here?"
,,Actually, you just asked me again. But anyways, I invited her to become a GG."

Gum wasn't happy about that. ,,I invited her here today so I could give her a lesson in skating. She still needs some practice."
Gum definitely wasn't happy about this.
,,So you invited her to become a GG even if you know that she's not good enough?" Ouch. Another guy, which you recognize as Corn, stepped in. ,,Gum, leave them alone. I'm pretty sure Beat knows what he's doing."

Gum looked even more angry now, but she eventually skated away. ,,Thanks man. This is (Y/N). (Y/N), this is Corn." Corn reached his hand out and shook yours. ,,Nice to meet you." As soon as that was done, Beat skated in the middle of the hide out. ,,Hey everyone! Meet (Y/N)!" The other GG's came over and intoduced themself. They had a lot of weird names. Yoyo, Combo, Cube, Garam, Clutch, Jazz, Rhyth, Soda, Roboy and so on.
(If there are more characters)

They even got a dog named pots, who immediately fell in love with you. He would always walk after you. ,,He's such a sweet heart. Is he your dog?" Beat scratched his neck. ,,No. He belongs to Yoyo." Beat dragged you away from the dog, trying to get your attention. ,,Do you got you skates with you?" He asked. You nodded a pulled them out of you bag. ,,Nice. Put them on, we'll start right away.

Putting your skates on while pots tried to crawl on your lap wasn't that easy. Even Beat got fed up with it. ,,Yoyo! Get your freaking dog away! Were trying to practice here!" Yoyo came over. ,,Shut up loser."
They must be best friends. Yoyo bent down and picked up pots. ,,Sorry. I taught him to find sexy ladies.", he said smirking. I blushed a bit and smiled. But Beat wasn't amused. ,,Piss of.", he said while pushing Yoyo away.

,,You suck!"

,,You swallow!"

You tried not to laugh. Watching them fighting was kinda funny. When Beat was done, he turned back to you. ,,Enjoying the show?", he asked. ,,Very." After you finally got your skates on Beat led you to a railing.
,,Alright let's practice grinding first. Start here and try to jump on the railing.", he explained. You just looked at him as if he was crazy. He just laughed. ,,Come on it's not that hard. How about I hold your hand while you try?"

So you took his hand and skated towards the railing before jumping on it. Well at least you tried to. You fell down the railing and Beat catched you. ,,Not bad for your first try, but try landing on the railing next time, not on me." That's when you realized that you were laying in his arms. From far away you hear: ,,Hey! Keep your hands off her! At least give me a chance!" It was Yoyo.
,,Shut up! Nobody asked you! And stop watching us! You stalker!"

After that you tried again, but this time it actually worked. ,,Great job! Let's try that a few more times." You tried again and again, until you could do it perfect. Then you learned a few jumps. Then riding on walls. Then grinding up poles.(that sure sounds wrong, but I don't care)
,,Can't belive you learned all of that in just one day." You looked at your clock. He was right, it was almost evening.

,,Thanks for the training Beat.", you said while walking out of the garage. ,,Hey, where do you think your going?", he asked as he laid his hands around your hips.
,,Um, home? It's pretty late already and I'm tired." Beat thought a little bit. ,,But you will come back tomorrow, right?"
,,Of course. I would love to.", I said smiling. I was actually looking forward becoming a GG.

Beat did something unexpected. He took of his glasses. For the first time ever, you could actually see his eyes. They had a beautiful dark brown color. People always say that the eyes of a human are the gate to they're soul (at least that's what I hear) , and they were right. You could see his playfull personality in them.

,,Glad to hear that, doll face." Beat leaned foward and kissed... your forehead. Dang it.
,,See you tomorrow then." You could't stop looking in his eyes. ,,Huh? Oh! Y-Yeah of course! See ya!" And with that, you stormed out of the garage, leaving a smirking Beat behind. He knew what kind of effect he had on you.

As you reached your flat, you immediately sat down in front of your desk. After putting newspaper on it, so it would't get dirty, you took a paper and some spray cans and started spraying. You wanted to practice your spraying skills. You were really good at drawing, but you never used spray cans before. It was quite easy.

(Beat's pov)

I let myself fall on the couch. I was happy with myself. ,,Tough day?", asked Corn while sitting down beside. ,,No. She's a quick learner. Today was great. And it would have been even better if dumbhead over there would't have interrupted us the whole time!", I said yelling the last so Yoyo could hear it.
,,F off!", he yelled back.

Then Gum came along. ,,Seriously Beat, your thinking with your d*ck. She's not even good enough at skating.", she complained.
Yoyo had to answer that. ,,Your just jealous 'cause your not the hottest chick in the garage anymore." While Gum was busy chasing Yoyo, I could't stop thinking about (Y/N). She's just so beautiful. I can't wait for the day were I'll finally be able to kiss those perfect lips. ,,You really like her don't you?", asked Combo. ,,I do actually." Corn grinned a bit. ,,Watching Gum go mad could be fun."

Everyone knew that Gum had a crush on me. But I don't care at all. I could only think about (Y/N). A few more hours until I can see her again. I miss her already.

(Ok. I'm going mad. I gave myself two hours to write this. My eyes are hurting, it's 11p.m. in germany and I just want to sleep. I hope you like it. Good night and Happy Halloween ♡)

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