Jet Set Radio Beat x reader

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(I do not own jet set radio or the characters. Not my pic. This is my first story and im not english. Im using google translate a lot. Also do your own backstory. Not sorry. I regret nothing!)

(3rd Pov.)

You were walking threw the streets of Tokyo-To, doing nothing at all, just walking. It was boring at home and you wanted some fresh air. The whole time you noticed grafitti on the houses, cars and other stuff. It's because of those gangs. You've heard others call them ,,Rudies". To be honest, you didn't understood why. You really liked the grafitti's. At least you liked the art of the GG gang. One thing you knew about them was, that they were always inline-skating, and you loved that. You always loved inline-skating, and you were really good at it too. It simply made you happy. But doing that on the streets is pretty hard, since the cops didn't like inline-skating as much as you did. They even thought you are part of the gang's. So it was useless.

Being so deep in thought, you didn't even noticed that people had to dodge you. Neither have you noticed where you were walking. Slowly coming back to reality, you found yourself under a bridge. Perfect. Nothing about that place seemed familiar. You were about to turn back, when you heard something.

Inline-skates, no doubt. Which idiot would dumb enough to do that in Tokyo-To?

Then it hit you. That must be one of the gang members!!! What to do?! You had no idea if these guy's are dangerous! Well, time to panic. While freaking out inside, you just stood there like an total dork, not knowing what to do. Meanwhile the reason why you paniked arrived. It was a member of the GG's, a boy around your age, with short red hair, a yellow shirt and blue glasses.

He didn't even noticed you, he just started spraying. And you just stood, watching him. (I actually saw an mpc do that) He sprayed something that looked like four octopus.(at least that's what I saw) You on the other side freaked out. What if he saw you? Would he hurt you? Should you run? No he's faster with his inline-skates. Maybe he won't notice if you sneak away. You had to try!

You started to walk backwards, not wanting to turn your back to this guy. Slow and steady. If this turned out well, you would escape, go home, watch a movie while eating (whatever you like) and think about your life choices.

But your oh so great luck just had to help you. You kicked a can right behind you. Your heart beat stopped. The boy looked at you, not moving. Everything was quiet.


But nothing happend. He just stared at you. His mouth slightly open. You couldn't even see his eyes because of his glasses. You had to admit, he was kinda handsome. But still, what was happening. Then he suddenly skatet towards you slowly, giving you a heart attack.

(Beat's Pov)

I was skating on the streets of shibuya, searching for a good spot to spray my next masterpiece. And I found a good one. Not wasting any second I went under the bridge I just found, and started spraying.

But then I heard something behind me. Crap. Who could it be? The cops? I turned around and saw... a girl. A really pretty one too! She had (H/C) (H/L) hair and beautiful (E/C) eyes.


She looked breathtaking. Who is she? I skated towards her, because I wanted to know her name. When suddenly...

(Your Pov)

I heard police sirens, and I didn't knew if I should be relieved or even more scared. As already mentioned, I once had trouble with the police, and didn't wan't more trouble. The boy in front of me didn't seem like he was scared, he even smiled at me. And I soon understood why.

I yelped in shock as he lifted me up, bridal style, and started skating away really fast. I've never been so scared in my life. Was he kidnapping me?! Should I struggle out of his grip. No, he went as fast as possible, and was also jumping onto cars and other things the whole time, I would have hurt myrself. Where was he goin?

After some time he stopped and putted me down. I took a vew steps back. He was still smiling. ,,Hi, my name is beat.", he said cheerfull while holding out his hand. I wasn't sure if I should take it. But Stupid me did it anyways. Big mistake. Instead of shaking my hand, he grabbed it and pulled me towards him, putting his arms around my hips. I felt myself blushing. Who does he think he is?

,,~And what's yours?~", he asked, that stupied smirk still on his face. ,,I-It's (Y/N).",  I stuttered. Why is he doing this? Is he trying to flirt with me? Who is he? I mean he told me his name, but I don't think his mother called him Beat.

,,Well (Y/N), as much as I would love to stay, I have to go now.", he said before he gave me a kiss on the cheek, making me turn as red as a tomato. ,,I hope we will meet again."
Then he skated away. What was that?!

That was the weirdest day in my whole life. But I have to admit, it was kinda fun. I don't know why, but I also hope that I will meet him again.

Well, I hope you liked it. If you did, thank you! If you didn't, I regret nothing! But I think that I will do a Chapter two (that rhyme, nailed it) anyways. I started writing that fanfic when I was watching Madagascar, so... yeah. See you next time. Bye bye.

Jet Set Radio Beat x readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें