The Real Batgirl

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Once upon a time in Gotham, many years ago on All Hallow's Eve, there was a girl named –

"Edina Lee Thompkins! Put that bat down and come over here and sit quietly with us."

The girl's parents, two of the most notorious villains in Gotham, were utterly perplexed by her fascination with Gotham's legendary hero who had seemingly risen from nowhere in recent years and made for quite the vexing enemy.

"But I LOVE the bat!" Edina says, pouting. The squishy plastic bat she had brought home from her best friend's Halloween party earlier that afternoon now hangs limply in her hand. She had gotten excited upon seeing the news break that Batman had once again saved Gotham mere hours before it was time for trick or treating and had jumped in front of the set to fly her new bat around in appreciation.

Her mother shakes her head and pats the seat beside her, indicating were Edina should come and sit down before turning to her father. "How did we of all people raise a hero worshipping –"

"Hey, I don't want to hear it," her father counters. "You're the one that lets her play with Barbara."

"Jim's daughter?' Her mother waves her hand dismissively. "She's harmless."

"Oh yeah? Well they've become best friends." Edina's father shakes his head. "Our daughter and the Commissioner's daughter? What could possibly go wrong?"

"Hush," Edina's mother says and gently reaches up to nudge her father's shoulder with the ball of her stockinged foot. "I want to watch."

"Yeah!" Edina says, finally hopping up on the couch and lifting a finger to her lips. "Be quiet now, Daddy!"

You might know Edina's father better as The Riddler. And her mother? Well, she needs no introduction. . .

As Batman is shown foiling The Penguin's plans for that evening on instant replay in the foreground, there's a flash of sleek black hair that can be seen in the corner of the screen. It's there for less than a second, but it's unmistakable.

"Lee. . .?" Edina's father asks, stunned. "Tell me it isn't true."

"What?" Edina is lost.

Her mother just smiles wickedly. "What? Are you jealous now?"

"No," Edina's father replies with a pout. "You might just want to tell me the next time you and Oswald are planning something. I could have easily helped you avoid this."

He motions to the set.

"What? And spoil all the fun of almost getting caught?" Her mother says with a quirk of her lips.

"Oh! Oh!" Edina finally gets it. "Were you one of the bad guys tonight, Mom?"

"Yes, sweetheart."

"Too bad The Batman nabbed you." Edina giggles uproariously and begins batting her mother with . . . the bat.

"She's starting to talk like your ex," her father says wryly. "'Nabbed?' What kind of word is that? I'm telling you, Lee, Barbara's a bad influence on her."

Edina's mother leans over to kiss her father, saying huskily, "Don't be grumpy."

"Yeah, Dad!" Edina exclaims and vaults off the couch, suddenly bored watching the news with her parents. "Time to put my cape on."

She races out of the room.

"See?" her father says. "She's even dressing up as that vigilante now."

"It's Halloween, Ed," her mother replies. "Besides, it's not like you've never dressed up as one of your enemies before. Remember your little show in The Narrows? Penguin -"

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