Dad left about five years ago. It was sudden. One night I went to bed, in the morning he was gone. Apparently he had been cheating on my mom for awhile, and now he was married to that woman with two replacement kids. He didn't reach out to us until about a year after the divorce and custody papers went through. He stated in the papers that he didn't want to be my dad anymore. I guess he regretted that, but it was too late. I didn't want anything to do with him.

"Call him later," my mom told me. "He had something to ask you."

"I pass," I say as I finished off my cereal. Thinking about my father always put me in a bad mood. He probably wanted me to watch his kids while he went off somewhere with that tramp.

"We're having dinner tonight with the Kings," my mom told me. Ever since they moved in all those years ago, Emily and my mom had become best friends. They would always go shopping or see movies as I grew up. It was nice to see my mom happy, the only downside was I saw Jasper more often. We were often forced to be besides one another since a young age, which only made my hatred for him grow, and his hatred for me grew too.

"Alright," I say. I never fought this over with my mom. I've come to realize that if I played along I wouldn't have to be alone with Jasper. "I'm gonna get going."

"Have fun," my mom says as I give her a little kiss on the cheek. "Don't forget your umbrella."

I grab my black umbrella off the hook and walk out the front door. It was drizzling lightly out, which was nice. I wasn't going to have to battle with the wind to keep my umbrella the right way today.

Every day I walked to school. I didn't see the need to drive there since it was only ten or so blocks away. Besides, last time I drove my car there, Jasper felt the need to egg it.

As I walked, I heard the familiar hum of a sports engine behind me. I swore to myself as I picked up my pace. My hair was still damp from Jasper's prank this morning and I wasn't in the mood to have it happen again.

"Well well well," I heard Jasper say through the rolled down window. "What do we have here?"

"Fuck off, Jasper," I say roughly as I keep my eyes forward.

"Does your mother know you use that language?" Jasper asked mockingly. "And to think, I was gonna offer you a ride."

"I wouldn't get into your car even if there are was a serial killer chasing me," I said loudly.

"You know, your words hurt," he whined, no doubt that he was holding his hand over his heart to be dramatic.

"Shouldn't you be out harassing young girls?" I snapped as I glance at his as he drove slowly next to me.

A smile crept on his face. "You mean Heather?"

I shuddered at the thought of that poor girl. She was a grade below me, and was also a notch on Jasper's bed post. She was the latest victim of Jasper, who was on the mission of sleeping with every girl in the school. He's slept with at least two thirds of the school so far and he is showing no signs of stopping.

"One day all those girls are gonna gang up on you and there you to shreds."

Jasper snorted a laugh. "Yeah, like that will ever happen. Besides, I'm saving the best for last."

Chills ran down my spine. This wasn't the first time Jasper had mentioned sleeping with me. Its been going on for years.

"Never gonna happen," I say bitterly. "Unlike you, I have standards."

"And you're saying I don't?" He questioned.

"No you don't," I retort as I cross the street to the next block.

Jasper howled a laugh. "I'll see you later," he says, speeding off.

I let out a sigh of relief that he was gone. Today was gonna be a long day


At lunch, I sat at my table towards the back. It was the outcast table. We were all social rejects in the eyes of our peers. Although we all sat at the same table, none of us were friends really. There were six of us. Three girls, three boys.

There was Raven, but her real name was Emma. She was the only goth girl in the school, and I'm pretty sure the only one in the town. She was nice to everyone, but because she was different, no one was nice back.

Then there was Grace. Grace used to be popular, but she was a victim of Jasper. She was the first person to sleep with him. After word spread about what they had done, people started to call her name's. When guys have sex, they seem to get a reward about it from others. When girls do it, they get treated like dirt.

The boys that sat next to us were all brothers. Triplets actually, and they were identical. Darren, Theo, and Spencer. It surprised me that they all say at the reject table when they first moved here earlier this year. They were all good looking and we're heavily muscled. Maybe it was because they scared most of the people. Their arms were covered in tattoos, but I thought they were neat.

We made small talk during lunch. Mostly about the summer and what we planned on doing. Raven was going to go to music festivals all over the country, Grace was gonna visit her grandma in Mexico for a couple weeks, and the boys were gonna get labor jobs hauling wood for the local lumber yard.

"What about you Hattie?" Raven asked with a smile.

I shrug. "Nothing really. I'll probably read. Fix the lock on my window."

"He did it again?" Grace asked mortified.

"Yep," I nod.

"Want us to mess him up?" Theo asked as he motioned off into the room.

"No. Besides, I'm not gonna see I'm over the summer. He going off somewhere. And hopefully he doesn't come back."

"That would be nice," Grace agreed. "I would like to come to school everyday and not see that." Grace motioned in a direction.

I looked up and regretted that decision. Jasper had his tongue down Heather's throat. She was sitting and is lap and he was groping her all over the place. It was gross.

I sigh and turn back to the table. "Anyone want to tear my eyes out?"

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