"Nao, you remember Karin's abilities, yes?" Orochimaru asks, lifting up Nao's sleeve of her shirt, disinfecting a small part of her arm with a wipe.

"Eh... Kinda?" Nao says, shrugging slightly.

"Karin, one of my successful experiments has the peculiar ability to heal others by using heal bite... but another is her ability to sense chakra signitures without even trying... " Orochimaru places the syringe against Nao's arm and the young girl flinches away from the unfamiliar feel of the needle, biting her lip nervously, "if this experiment works... then you should have Karin's ability to sense the chakra signitures... wouldn't that be great,  Nao-chan?"

Nao gives a small nod, nervous that it wouldn't work and she would be doomed as a failure of not one, but two experiments.

A split second after Nao gave her permission, the snake sannin plunges the syringe into the young girls arm.

Nao's blank grey eyes goes wide with shock, a loud gasp excapes from her mouth, she then faints.


"Ne, do you feel any different, Nao-chan?" Orochimaru asks, eyeing the black haired youth before him.

She opens her eyes, though she cannot see with them it feels weird walking around with them closed anyways.

She gasps, her face tilted in Orochimaru's direction, "Sensei! I- I can see your chakra network! Perfectly! The whole system, even the tenketsu! (tenketsu is 361 nodes that control the chakra flow)"

Before Nao was unable to see anything, just inky blackness, now within the blackness she saw the glowing blue structures of everyone, she could almost see, like a byakugan.

Before the young spy had to concentrate just to be able to sense it, and then it wasn't to the same extent as now.

"Excelent, Nao-chan!" Orochimaru says, "Now, Nao-chan can you tell me where is Kabuto, Sasuke, and Karin?"

Nao nods as she searches for the familiar chakra, "Found them, they are a few kilometers away, heading back fast... it seems has if... huh? Ne... Sensei, do you think Karin-san likes Uchiha-san?"

"Excelent, Nao-chan, splendid!" Orochimaru says smirking, a gleam in the golden eyes of his.

Nao smiles at the praise, happy that something had finally gone right and that Orochimaru was proud of her.

"Now, Nao-chan before the group that I sent out returns I want to send you out on a mission..."

Nao squeals in excitement, cutting off what Orochimaru was going to say, "Yay! I get to go on a mission! Yes, thank you, Orochimaru-sensei!" Nao squeals, giving Orochimaru a hug. Orochimaru sighs and gently pats Nao's back.

"Ne, Nao-chan... don't you want to hear the contents of the mission I want you to go on?" Nao nods, quickly seating herself, a happy go lucky smile written across her face.

Orochimaru smirks, "Good, I want you to do an assassination of a few people... don't worry though, they have caused great trouble and are disrupting the peace that we strive so hard to make..."

Nao frowns, not really wanting to do the mission after hearing that it was an assassination, but if they were bad people, surely it would be okay to complete the mission, right?

"The objects of the mission are the

Samumarui family from Yukigakure, you are to kill the whole family... all four of them... wakarimasuka? "

"Hai, Orochimaru-sensei!" Nao says, a determined look on her face.


Nao breathes in the frigid air, it took a total of five days to reach Yukigakure from the southern hideout. She had already found out and memorized the Samumarui family chakra signals.

She had found one, a male- the father and quickly killed him, problem was he was a high ranked ninja, so Nao was forced to lay low a few days while the investigation of the murderer commenced.

Nao strolled along the snow covered road, people bustling along past her doing their own business.

Pausing Nao smells the delicious scent of home made ramen, ever since she lost her eyesight her sense of smell and hearing had sharpened drastically.

"Can I get a miso ramen please?" The young black haired girl asks, seating herself at one of the barstools.

"Coming right up ma'am!" The chef says giving rhe young girl a smile, she pauses for a second, noticing Nao's blank grey eyes, realizing her condition. "Oh, you poor thing! You know what, the first bowl will be on the house!"

"Oh, no, no, no!  No need to do that!" Nao says, shaking her head.

"No worries!" The chef says, gently placing the bowl in front of Nao, handing the chopsticks to her.

"Well, thank you!  Itadakimasu (japanese culture to say before one eats, almost like a prayer, literally means, 'I will receive')" Nao says, easily breaking apart the chopsticks and eating the food in front of her.

Nao freezes, eyes wide with shock, chopsticks halfway to her lips, coming at a fast pace her way was a painstakingly familiar chakra.

"Ramen, ramen, ramen!" A happy-go-lucky blonde hair boy says, finally reaching the ramen stand, though the ramen couldn't be better than Ichiraku Ramen, ramen was ramen in the end.

Nao quickly pulls up the hood of the parka she was wearing, hoping that no one would recognize her. Focusing on her chakra she managed to lower it to be able to pass as a normal citizen... that is if Jiraiya wasn't with Naruto...

Nao slowly continues to eat her ramen slowly, "Gochisosama (japanese culture to say after one finishes a meal, literally means 'I recieved')" Getting up quickly Nao exits the stand,  but before she fully exits she trips over a barstool leg.

The young black haired girl lands flat on her face, her hood falling off of her head. The blonde boy clad in orange turns around, spotting Nao.

"Nao-chan!?" He exclaims, leaping off the stool, about to help her up, but pauses when he realizes that she was with Orochimaru.

He slowly takes out a kunai, shaking. Nao slowly stands up, her black hair covering her eyes as her face is tilted towards the ground.

"I am sorry Naruto-kun for betraying you... but I do what is best for the peace in the world... and no matter what I will strive to bring the peace," Nao says, lifting her head up, showing Naruto her blank grey eyes.

Naruto gasps as he realizes that Nao was blind, but before he could even utter a response Nao ran away, blending in with the bustling crowd.


Okay, so you guys know how most of the fanfictions on Naruto have two seperate books, one for Shippuden, the other for just Naruto?

Yeah, well I'm not going to do that... It'll just be one book, and the two years that Naruto is gone training will not be skipped...

So yeah, uhm... fifteen votes and a couple comments and I'll update...

And do you guys actually believe that Orochimaru is striving for peace, or nah? And Why?

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