Chapter 5

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I made it home; faster then I would like to but I knew I had to come back unfortunately. I opened the door very very silently think that just maybe they had passed out drunk and I could sneak upstairs.

Boy was I wrong. So, so wrong.

"Where the hell were you! Do you know how late you are? You were worrying the shit out of your mother." My stepdad said, I could tell he was seething I could practically see steam coming out of his ears. He was lying about me worrying my mother because she'd rather me never come home then worry about me being late. I knew going over to Oliver's house was a bad idea.

"I-I'm d-d-didn't mean t-to" I said shakily I'm can never hide when I'm terrified.

"You obviously meant to if it keeps happening. I'll guess I'll have to beat the lesson into you." He replied smirking wickedly at the end of his sentence and I really couldn't imagine what was to come.

~timeskip to next morning~

That was the worst beating of my life. I know I say that a lot but it was true this time. I was covered in blood and bruises. I had a black eye and a completely torn up lip. The rest of my body I can't even describe but to say it shortly I can barely walk. I guess things can't get worse though.

I hurriedly through clothes onto my body after a quick shower and ran down the stairs to prepare breakfast for my parents. When I saw a note on the table.

"We went to visit your grandpa he's gonna die soon so we needed to be there if we wanted any of the money. Don't eat all week we counted what was in the fridge and you'll be punished if you gained even half a pound. Nobody likes a fatty. -Mom"

I couldn't believe it. They just up and left to see the only person who has supported me through everything die and I couldn't do anything about it. Tears gathered in my eyes but I quickly wiped them away with the back of my hand. Grandpa wouldn't want me to cry. No he would want me to get passed this and go on to do something better then they could ever imagine. With that being said I ran outside so I could be on time for school.

I was just trying to have an innocent quiet commute to hell on earth (aka school) when my head filled with thoughts.

Why did Oliver keep talking to me?
What was happening with grandpa?
Would I go over to Oliver's house again today?
Why does everyone have so much hate for me?
Why do I keep thinking about Oliver!

Before I had time to think through any of this I had arrived at school. I quickly walked over to the bike racks in order to greet Luke and McQuaid.

"H-Hey g-guys!" I said cheerfully. I was so happy I was on time to meet them today maybe they would be nicer to me!

"Oh hey Tyler were just talking about astrology" Luke said nicely with a bright smile on his face. I was confused why was he being so nice? It was probably because I did what they wanted, yeah that's it.

"Um incorrect we were talking about how it is fake." McQuaid said in an actually factually tone of voice with a matching look on his pale face. As they kept arguing about astrology I couldn't help but think.

Things are actually getting better, my best friends aren't mad at me, my parents are out of town which means a sanctuary away from school, andddd the best thing of all Oliver seemed like he wanted to be my friend. I was lost in thought until I heard the bell real signaling for us to go into school.

We all walked together through the hallways to the AV room to set up for the morning announcements. McQuaid and I were walking at a regular pace while Luke was trying to get us to rush. He probably wanted to see Kate. I thought in my head laughing a little.

"Good morning Boring High School here are today announcements..." Jessica started saying as I started thinking about Oliver.

I was confused; very confused. No one has EVER been nice to me and defended me the way Oliver did. Yeah he started getting snappy and mean to me at the end of the night but that was my fault as usual. I irritated him with my stutter while he was trying to focus.

The announcements were boring as usual to be expected. I walked over to Luke and McQuaid but stopped when I heard what they were talking about.

I was wrong. Things could get worse.

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