Scene 4: An unfortunate but sudden end to the spontaneous heroism

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(Perspective changes back to Jez, Isaiah left making his grand "Heroic appearance")

I stood there gasping at the situation, trying to grasp what confusing scene just unfolded.

"Excuse me ma'am? Are you with us? Could you tell us what happened?" I turned around to see a middle-aged police officer looking at me worriedly, questioning me for answers as to what had happened.

"Oh yes, sorry, it seems I am just a little shocked. Well, it appears these three despicable men were stalking me while I was in that dark alley, when this--"

"And I saved her!!" exclaimed a blonde boy with a rather shit-eating grin on his face, but fiercesome red eyes showing that he is indeed powerful.

"Sorry, who are you?" asked the police officer, doubting the blonde boy's authenticity

in a singing manner, as if in a musical:

♪ I came looking for a wench in trouble ♪

It appears as if she was covered in rubble

♫ As the actions of these men caused them to be followers ♫

Yet they attended the cause as complete roll-overs

♫ They served the speculated purpose as a pertained menace ♫

With no way a doubtful, an evil premise

♬ She had to be saved by someone, perhaps American ♬

I wise and gleeful Samaritan


"Now hold on.. why the hell are you singing all of a sudden? This is a crime scene! Do you want to be arrested for 'hinderance of police work' ?" The officer pondered

"Not at all officer, I just wanted to summarise what had happened in the way I do best, in form of a song! Wasn't it just amazing? Just like my fighting skills in action, truly commendable, don't you think?" The mysterious yet eccentric young boy wondered

"Wait wait, you have got this all wrong! This 'Isaiah' boy was the one that defeated these men, I didn't even see this blonde boy until it was over!" I told the officer in a haste

"What kind of fool are you then? You delusional idiot! Have you no honor wanting to take credit for what another person did woefully?" The officer exclaimed as he appeared slightly more enraged

"No need for a corrupted pig of your kind to take notice of dear old elegant me's actions just yet! For you shall see more amazing actions of mine in the future!" The quite delusional boy stated

"What did you just call me? You are under arrest bo-" the officer was cut-off by another of the blonde boy's delusions

"Fear not, you peasantry form of bourgeoise under my elegant protection! I shall be back to save the day once again, farewell!"

And thus he vanished as mysteriously as he first appeared

(Short Summary: Aftermath of battle between Isaiah and three stalkers: Police question Jez, she gets to show her intelligent side, perhaps Furtha is there to troll her. He summarises an almost (but partly fiction) correct summary of the situation in form of a song. Yet he is abruptly interrupted by the police which even want to take him in for hindering police work. Furtha vanishes as mysteriously as when he came, even exclaiming that he'll be back to save the day again )

Next: Scene 5: A man must suffer for a living

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