Scene 1: My deterministic outlook on this adult life

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I am awoken by the sound of harsh knocking on my door.

Today is the 15th of June in the year 20XX

It was one day after my graduation from school, I thought I was done with all the stress and troubles that came with the life of a student, however, at my door was my impatient mother shouting at me to "Stop being a useless F--" .. something or other. I decided to ignore that last part.

When I finally opened the door after considering my options, embracing my messy and smelly room, I was greeted with what looked like a horrible goblin which seemed to be enraged at me for some reason, I wonder who that could be? Oh wait, it was just my mother wearing a green beauty mask, my bad. (Oops)

Mom: "You've lived under my roof for long enough, you useless piece of shit, from today on you're on your own!"

Me: "Hold on, I just finished graduation from school, hadn't I worked hard enough for now?"

Mom: "You've worked hard enough getting on my last nerves yesterday! I heard you partying again with that dumbass teacher yesterday, you truly are your father's bastard son, Isaiah-"

Me, blatantly interrupting her as I disliked a statement she made: "Wait a sec, something you just said caught my attention. You called Mr. Yurl a dumbass? How can you even say that you old hag?! He has taught me countless wisdoms and is truly a reliable man! For example, he taught me how to get girls wet by just looking at them, or how to remove a sticker from someone else's car by scraping it off with a knife... for some reason the first part had never worked.. but that does not mean my loyalty towards him will end..."

Mom: "Funnily enough, the only girl you have made wet so far with your looks is your childhood friend Gemma, she seriously started crying because of your ugliness! Bwahahah!!" she started laughing out loud abruptly with tears in her eyes

Me, trying to get back at her for saying such a rude and thoughtless thing: "Well, since you mentioned ugliness: Seems like the apple didn't fall far from the tree, now did it?"

Feeling my testosterone as a man as well as my sudden display of superiority, I stood over my defeated brute of a mother. For once I felt like I successfully stood my ground against her, and wanted to smash the door in her face for being so rude from the start, there was no way for her to come back from my genius remark after all! My exerted dominance is truly something to be afraid o--

"YOU'RE FUCKING DISOWNED, GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE YOU DAMNED BASTARD" she exclaimed as I was reconsidering my feelings of victory..

-- as I left the house without resistance and tears in my eyes

Next: Scene 2 - The life of a Princess in a metropol

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