Chapter Three

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I don't want any tabloid fiasco. I dial his number at a red light and put the phone on speaker.

"Hey." He says .

"Hey Harry when I was walking out of your house some guy came out of the bushes and took some photos of me asking me if I was taking the walk of shame."

"What did you say?" He asks calmly.

"I didn't say anything I just sped walk to my car." I tell him.

"Okay well they'll assume whatever they want all I can ask is that you don't take what they or the fans say to heart." He says, his voice so soft and soothing.

"Okay, I just wanted to let you know. I'm sorry."

"No don't be, those creeps are always around. If it happens again don't talk to them" He says.

"Alright well I'll see you later."

"Drive safe."

"Bye." I say and hang up. I toss the phone to my passenger seat and sigh. He deals with that everyday. Everyday someone says terrible things and publishes them everywhere that must feel terrible. Once I get home I jump into my old bed and sigh in relief. It's only 9 and lunch is at 2 I can spare a nap.

I wake up at 12 and immediately regret that whole nap thing lunch will have to be at 3. I rush to the shower and blow dry my hair to curl it. I go to my closet and decide on some black leggings a white t shirt,a black leather jacket and some ankle booties. I do my makeup and even add red lipstick and head out. Harry wants Cuban sandwiches for lunch and lasagna for dinner. This boy and his weird food cravings. I head to the store and buy the groceries. When I come up to Harry's house the guy is still near the door.

"Back already?" He asks and takes more pictures. I ignore him and see Harry open the door. Which only makes the guy take even more pictures he smiles at me and takes the groceries from my hands.

"Thank you." I say and shut the door. "That guy is so awful." I tell him.

"Yeah I'll call the police in a little, he's not supposed to be this close." He says setting the bags on the counter.

"I have meetings here and I'm gonna have the band over we're gonna eat and go over what songs to perform in New York." He says as he starts to unpack the food. I take my jacket off then grab my hair up in a ponytail put my apron on and wash my hands to start on his sandwiches.

"When are you performing?" I ask as I start chopping everything up to marinate the pork.

"In two weeks, but we are leaving tomorrow."

"Oh, that's close."

"Yeah well I took the single out now I go around and sing and do talk shows."

"Those are fun." I say smiling.

"Kinda, they always ask me the same question they just want to know about my love life."

"You are good at dodging those questions." I tell him to lighten up the mood.

"After five years you learn the tricks."

"I bet." He laughs a little and gosh he is just the cutest. "So how many sandwiches should I make ?" I ask

"Hmm I'm gonna go ahead and say 6."

"I'm short three breads." I say biting my lip.

"I'll go get it." He says putting his hand over my keys.

"Are you sure?" I ask setting my hand over his.

"Yeah, I'll wear a hat." He says making me laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2018 ⏰

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