Chapter One

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"Thank you so much for the job recommendation." I tell Lou through my phone.
"It's not a problem." She says back. I tie my hair in a ponytail and get my keys. "Harry is a sweetheart."
"Okay well I'm gonna head there now, I'll text you later." I'm glad I can finally honor my degree as a chef. I cannot believe Lou got me the job. Harry could have picked a chef with years of experience and with her good word I'm in though I am nervous because of that night we had about a year ago.. I pack my knives and head over to his place. His house is beautiful I knock at the front door and I'm greeted by his manager I'm guessing.
"I'm Jeff. You must be Ms. Valencia?" He asks
"You can call me Lyla." I smile extending my hand to meet his with a firm shake. He smiles and leads me inside I'm in awe and the kitchen is spotless.
"Harry should be home in a few." He informs me.
"What do I make him?" I ask setting my things down.
"He'll text you what he wants."
"He has my number?" I ask unsure because I haven't given it to anyone.
"Yeah Lou gave it to him." I nod and get a text
"He wants Mac and Cheese." I say reading the text out loud.
"Of course he does." Jeff says making both of us laugh. He goes to do work in his office and I begin on making his meal. It sits in the oven and I sit on a stool by the breakfast bar on my phone. This is going to be weird I mean I've met him once but I doubt he remembers me we had too many cocktails. At this point I hope he doesn't remember.
The door opens and he walks inside.
"Good morning." I say getting on my feet. He looks great, one of his weird Gucci flowy shirts tight black jeans boots and his hair is perfectly done.
"Good morning, Lyla right?" He asks.
"Yup." I say smiling.
"Well it's nice to finally meet you, Lou has told me much about you." He smiles and it kinda hurts my feelings that he doesn't remember but to be fair he was drunk.
"All good things I hope." I say walking to the oven.
"Of course." His voice low and raspy.
"Do you wanna eat now?" I ask setting the tray down on the stove.
"Uh, yeah sure. Would you join me?" He asks.
"Of course." I fix two plates and he leads me down to the studio he has in his basement.
"This is my safe place, every time I got too much on my mind I can come let it out here." He says clearing out a table so we could eat.
"That's the kitchen for me. I feel so safe and comfortable in one, it doesn't even have to be my own as long as I have a stove, supplies, and food I'm good."
"I think everyone needs that or they'll go insane." Wise words by Harry Styles.
"I think so too." I agree.
"This is the best mac and cheese I've ever had!!" He says as he eats.
"Thank you, it's a family recipe." I proudly say.
"Where's your  family from?" He asks taking another forkful.
"South Carolina."
"I love the south."
"It's nice sometimes." I say tilting my head to the side.
"What are you doing here?" He asks and my mouth goes dry.
"I uh, well you know I just needed a little change in my life and why not move to another country you know." I stutter out nervously.
"I suppose so." He half smiles.
"So how's that album going?" I ask wanting the attention off of me.
"It's done, coming out the 12th of May."
"Are you nervous?" I ask sipping my water.
"Kinda" He sighs.  "I love it and if nothing happens with it I'll still love it."
"I loved the single you took out, very David Bowie." I praise making him smirk.
"Thank you, you wanna listen to it?" He asks.
"By it do you mean the song?" I ask.
"The album." He replies.
"Can I?" I ask smiling a little.
"Of course just don't tell anyone we still got a month till it comes out."
"I won't tell a soul." I promise and he pushes a button and the ominous music starts.
"Woah That was great." I say as the first song ends "I- I I feel so emotional?" I say not knowing what word could describe the feeling. He plays the next song which I've heard before so I sing along to it. Two Ghost is next and I have a feeling it's  about T Swift but yet again I can relate to it so I won't mention it I just nod my head to the beat.
"Beautiful." I say as it ends. Sweet Creature begins and I feel like I'm at home. "I really like this one." He laughs and watches my reactions.
When Only Angel starts I like the slow mellow beat then I'm hit with rock scream. "Woah." I say as it wakes me up. He throws his head back in laughter and I do the same. When Kiwi starts I am SHOOK.
"Super glam rock." I say with my bottom lip between my teeth.
"You like glam rock?" He asks
"Fuck yes, Harry this is brilliant." I praise making him blush a little. Two more pass and then the final one plays and it triggers something in me hearing him sing "Maybe one day you'll call me and tell me that you're sorry too" tears start rolling down my face. When he notices his smile fades and he gets on his knees in front of me.
"What's wrong?" He asks with a concerned look on his face.
"Nothing, I'm sorry." I wipe my tears away and gather our dirty plates. "Let me know what you want for dinner." I say before walking out to the kitchen again. I compose myself and receive the food order he wants a roast I grab the black card Jeff gave me and head out. Shopping always clears my head and I even buy some unnecessary candy but who wIll notice if I spend a pound or two on it. I arrive home and start cooking Harry sends me a text saying he'll have dinner guest over and I'm glad I always buy a bit more of food.
"How did you know?." Harry says from behind me in a voice that makes me burst out laughing.
"My cousin was a huge one direction fan."
"Was?" He questions unwrapping the Twix candy bar.
"Uh yeah well it's not much of a band now anyway." I say as I marinate the roast.
"Where does she live?" He asks.
"Carolina." I answer back slowly, didn't I tell him?
"Woah that's a long way." He says taking a bite. I was really looking forward to eating that so I just stare at him.
"This was for you wasn't it?" He asks mid bite.
"Yup." I say putting the roast in the oven and I can't help but laugh. "But I did know that you liked that particular bar." He smiles and hands it to me. "Oh no, please have it."
"Lyla, take it or I'm gonna feel like a dick." I roll my eyes and get the bar. I smile as I take a bite before realizing I didn't take the part he bite off first. I probably look horrified and look up to see him smiling.
"Well I'm gonna head out I'll text you when I'm 5 minutes away oh and my sister Gemma and mum are gonna be my guests they'll probably arrive soon.
"They'll be here before you?" I ask as I chop up potatoes.
"Yeah, they're super like chill." He assures. I nod and he grabs his keys. With a wink he is out the door. This guy is hilarious. I bake the Yorkshire pudding things make the stuffing and about two hours goes by I have everything in the oven or stove. I clean up the kitchen and sit on the stool setting my polka dotted laced apron to the side. I look through my instagram feed till I hear the door open and I see Harry's mother and sister walk in and they look surprised/confused I can't tell.
"Hi." I say smiling politely.
"Hi, Harry didn't say he had a girl over." His mother says.
"Oh no. I'm just the chef."
"Chef? Since when does my brother have a chef?" Gemma asks.
"As of this morning." I tell her.
"Well it's nice to meet you." She smiles stepping towards me giving me a hug. I hug her back and then Anne is next
"What's your name?" She asks.
"Lyla Valencia."
"That's beautiful and so are you." I blush and thank her quietly. "So what does Harry have you cooking for us?" She asks looking around.
"A Sunday roast." I let her know while setting the oven to warm.
"Leave it to Harry to ask for a Sunday roast on a bloody Tuesday." Gemma says making Anne and I laugh.
"Yeah I thought that was weird but I'm paid to make whatever he orders." I shrug.
"It's his favorite thing to eat." Anne tells me. "And it is also unhealthy so when he asks for this make him something else please."
"Yeah no problem." I say as Harry opens the door.
"Mum quite telling her what to do with my diet, roast is just the best." He says smiling as he walks over to them and gives each a hug.
"We're here to listen to the album." Gemma tells me as I did their plates and Harry goes to his room to get something.
"You haven't heard it?" I ask cutting the roast.
"No, Harry said he just finished it so we came as quick as we could."
"Oh." What

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