Taehyung laughed again at the brunette's confidence and shook his head.

"What part of my warning made you think that I sing opera when I'm drunk? I might become a stripper or a three year old. There's a lot of options."

Jungkook's breath hitched when he heard the word 'stripper' and he couldn't stop the pink shade from appearing on his face. To avoid getting caught he scoffed and replied.

"I'm going to lock you in the bathroom no matter what you become and then have a peaceful sleep. You can rest assured that you'll be spending the night in my toilet."

Taehyung feigned hurt and pouted at the younger but only got a poked tongue in response which made him chuckle again before opening the bottle and staring at it for a while.

"To the death of those fucking monsters."

He raised the bottle while Jungkook grabbed the can from next to his feet which he left before going to get the drink for the older and clinked it with the bottle.

"To the death of those fucking monsters."

They both said 'cheers' simultaneously before taking a big sip each from their own container.

When Jungkook's beer finished he joined the older as they shared the bottle taking a swig every now and then in an attempt to lose themselves.

It didn't take long after they started drinking that Taehyung's words started to slur and he started to lose his common sense. Jungkook on the other hand had become a giggling mess.

"I've only kissed like uh, maybe~ fivce?"

Jungkook laughed at the drunk Taehyung.

"What's fivce?"

Taehyung held his hand up and pointed at his five fingers stretched wide.

"Once~, twice~, thrice~, fries~, fivce~."

Jungkook doubled over laughing at the explanation and had to hold the couch's arm rest to hold himself up since he was about to fall from laughing so hard.

Taehyung was frowning at the younger since he couldn't understand what the other was laughing for.

"Why you laughing?"

Jungkook apologized between his dying giggles and started another topic of discussion instead of about the older's ex who was beaten to near death by his own parents for being sexually attracted to the same gender and being in an actual relationship with one. Although his reason for avoiding the topic was his personal interest in the grey haired male and the drink but it was better for the older anyway since he needed a break from a week of mental destruction he had been going through.

"Ya know, I once saw a kid laughing at me and I turned him into a chicken with my pew pew pew pew pew. I will make you a chicken too if you laugh again."

Even if Jungkook wanted to pretend that he took the threat seriously he lost his control on 'pew pew pew' and bursted out laughing at the older's face at which the grey haired male stood up staggering on his feet and faced the younger looking very serious before pointing his finger guns at the brunette and doing exactly what he threatened to do.


Jungkook was dying from lack of oxygen since he was unable to stop laughing at the sight of the older who was unable to keep himself steady as he stood and was shooting with his fingers.

A little while later Taehyung was singing the powerpuff girls OST and Jungkook couldn't help himself but join in as they sang passionately as if it was a love song.

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