Chapter 1 - The Bard at the Inn

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I travel for a few years now... Today is a day pretty much like any other ever since I've left the shadow of my father to travel... I'm still searching for a legend that I can write, something that will top all of his stories, something that will make him proud of me. He taught me all he knew and I've learned a lot myself but unless I'll finish my goal I can't rest peacefully! There must be an adventure worth becoming a legend! I just have to find it...

( Reader P.o.V )

Road near Emelka

I've been on a road for such a long time... I belive that it's around three years now. I corrected my bag to let my cape fly along with the wind while I took a deep breath. Years of training to becoming a bard. So many adventures along with my father and hundreds if diffrent places we've visited together. Inns, festivals and royalty's courts...

I never really believed my father when he told me that he knows kings and queens until we stood before them as they greeted him warmly before moving onto the topics of informations and news he brought from the other end of the world. I on the other end was entertaining guests before my father would finish his talk to do the duo with me and then tell a story or recite a poem that moved all gathered's hearts while I stood on the side amazed at his skills.

But no more! Now I'm the one to go even further than him! To show him how that he can be truly proud of his son and that the Weiss family is still the unbeatable poet family we always were! I walked for a bit longer before a pair of beautiful ladies stopped next to me catching my attention. They looked down at me from their mounts.

Serious Lady : I'm sorry, is this the road to-

Younger Lady : Look, Eva, it's a bard!

Eva : Amalia we have no time for that!

Amalia : Just one poem and we can go!

Eva : Uh! We'll ask someone else!

(Y/N) : Hey, wait up!

However, after that command the two ride away as I wondered what's that all about. I continue walking until I saw them stop a bit away and talking with some Enutrof who just picked up a kama from the ground. They must have asked him the same and when he answered the two went on their way, leaving him as he just yells after them... Just like me.

(Y/N) : Well, not much from them, huh?

Enutrof : Damn tourists!

(Y/N) : Right?

Enutrof : Wait a minute! By Enutrof! If it's not Tom's kid!

I was suddenly lifted off the ground as the Enutrof hugged me and I only have time to let out a yelp of surprise. He set me down and I looked at him before a large smile made it's way onto my face causing me to grab the man and hug him too.

(Y/N) : Uncle Ruel! What are you doing here!?

Ruel : Oh, I've planned to visit my old friend in Emelka but I've never expected to meet you here, kid! You've grown quite a bit! How's old Tom holding up?!

(Y/N) : Last time I saw dad three years ago but when I stay somewhere for longer we exchange letters. He says that he's alright travelling around with a group of young people.

Ruel : Even if I'm sure your father can take care of himself!

(Y/N) : The worst will be the moment of creating a poem and when he's out of rhymes.

To Write a True Legend! ( Wakfu x Male!Bard!Reader )Where stories live. Discover now