Parkour Pt 2

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So some people asked for a part two and @SofyreNeko suggested I do another field trip one shot where they find out about Spider-Man and his channel, I'm just changing it so it's the Avengers that visit the school instead.

Also this takes a while to get to the point but I tried alright.

Peter gazed up curiously at the stage where the principal was bouncing with excitement. He had never seen the man this happy and cast a glance to his two friends. Ned shared his curiosity while MJ was as usual indifferent.

"Good afternoon students!" A chorus of bored 'good afternoon's' was the answer he got but seemed unaffected. "Now as you know, our Decathlon team won nationals and recently our school has been doing quite well. So well in fact, that a rather large company has noticed us."

More students seemed interested but thought it would just be some random rich company that would give them a speech.

"If this ends like Oscorp I'm suing the school." Peter quietly joked to Ned.

"Tomorrow, we'll be getting a visit from... Tony Stark!"

The entire hall burst into shouts of surprise and shock. Most of the students were laughing hysterically in disbelief, it was quite an appropriate reaction.

"Everyone must be on their best behaviour, we won't tolerate any misconduct." Peter snorted. Right, and that's why you let Flash bully people. "The incursion will last the whole day and if you fail to meet expectations you will be sent home. Also, Peter Parker please stay back after the assembly."

Flash snickered a few rows back at Peter's sour look. As the students exited the hall Mr Morita gestured for Peter to come closer.

"Yes, sir?"

"Peter, I've been informed that you've been spreading lies about a Stark Internship. Now I know it may boost your popularity but I'm afraid if you don't stop disciplinary action will need to be taken. As smart as you are, we all know that they don't accept high schooler." Mr Morita said sternly and Peter could feel his blood boil. He wanted to prove this man wrong so bad but knew that would only lead to something worse.

"Of course, I'm sorry sir."

"It's alright, but remember my warnings. Now go back to class, don't need you missing more than you usually do." The head teacher raised an eyebrow and Peter quickly scampered off.

As he walked through the hallways, Peter tried his best to look on the bright side.

At least he's not bringing all the Avengers.

Was the only thing he could think of.


Peter (accompanied with Ned and MJ) grumpily muttering about how Tony was an asshole. MJ raised an eyebrow, having heard Peter almost refer to the billionaire as dad. Ned just looked like he was about to faint at the prospect of meeting the legendary man.

"He's always wanted to meet my guy in the chair." Peter had said one day and it had stuck with Ned ever since.

Peter trudged into the hall and Ned pulled his two unwilling friends to sit at the very front, right where Tony could see them.

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