Chapter 9

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Barry's POV:
The days following my realization go as follows,

Wake up after dreaming of Cammie.
Get ready for work while wondering what Cammie might be doing right now.
Get coffee from Jitters while trying to not stare at the table Cammie and I always sit at.
Work for the next 8 hours while simultaneously saving people as the Flash, and think about Cammie.
Go do work at STAR Labs while avoiding Cisco and Caitlin's attempts to talk to me about Cammie.
Go home and wonder if I should call Cammie. Decide to not call her and then 10 minutes later call her anyway.
Get her voicemail and try not to throw the phone at the thought of her not answering because she was on a date.
Throw the phone but catch it with super speed before it breaks.
Try to forget about Cammie by sleeping only to dream of her all night.
Wake up and repeat.

It's not the best couple of days.

Especially since Iris told both Cisco and Caitlin about my feelings for her and now they are practically begging me to tell her.

Goes without saying that, they are not succeeding.

"Barry! Please, you have to tell Cammie about this! Trust us, she needs to know about you being in love with her! She feels the same, we promise!"

"Cisco, stop it! I'm not gonna tell her, if I do it'll ruin our whole friendship and she is way to important to me to lose. Besides, she doesn't feel the same way, no matter what you say!"

I speed out of the cortex before he can reply. My heart is slowly breaking into millions of peace's right now, just at the thought that Cammie doesn't feel the same way.

She's been my best friend for almost 10 years and I'm just now figuring out how I feel about her. And of course when I do, she's in another city probably in the arms of some other guy.

My heart aches at the thought.
Cisco's POV:
God, why does he have to be so difficult!

Caitlin and Iris come out from their hiding places in the med bay. Both look as frustrated as I feel right about now.

"Ok, so talking to him about this whole thing doesn't seem to be working. Do we have a plan B?" Caitlin asks me and Iris.

"If only we had clear evidence that Cammie is in love with him, so his stupid CSI brain will finally accept he obvious."

"Wait... Iris you might be on to something. Barry won't just believe us about Cammie being in love with him. He'll need proof... Caitlin, what date is the night that we talked to Cam about Star City?"
Barry's POV:
I race back into the lab after getting Cisco's SOS text.

"Cisco! Caitlin! Guys if this is just a trick to get me to talk about Cammie, it's not working!"

"Whoever he is, I'll kill him!"

I whip my head around, looking for the person that the voice came from. It sounded a lot like...


"It's good to see you guys too. What are you doing here?"

Wait, Cammie?

The monitor that's next to my suit turns on, showing what looks like security footage of the Cortex.

Felicity, Oliver and Cammie and all standing in the room, having a serious discussion. And if I was to look closely, I could see tear stains on Cammie's cheeks.

"Nu uh, you can't just walk in here looking like that and act like everything's ok. So why don't we all sit down and you tell us what happened and then we can send Oliver out to put an arrow through whoever did this to you."

You can add me to that list, if anyone had hurt Cammie then they'll have to answer to me!

"It's Barry."

Wait, what!? Me? What did I do that made her so upset and how come I didn't know about this?

"Him and Iris got together, didn't they?"

Me and Iris? That's what caused her to be so upset... are we the reason she left?

"How did you..." "I'm good at noticing emotions, I knew you were in love with him from the first tome we met."

This is not actually happening! Oliver just said that Cammie was in love with me! Cammie's in love with me!!!

This is amazing! I feel like a giant weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Looking around like she'll suddenly appear in the room, I quickly divert my attention back to the screen.

"It's been ten years and I'm still hoping that one day he'll realize he loves me..."

Ten years? Cammie's been in love with me for ten years? How could I have not seen it, this must be why she never had any long term relationships. She couldn't be with another person while she felt this way about me. Although I try to stop it, a little smile forced its way on my face. Cammie does love me, she loves me just as much as I love her!

"Of course, if you don't see them being all cute together then you won't get heartbroken again and again and maybe not seeing Barry for a while will help you move on!"

No! She can't move on, after finally realizing my feelings, she can't move on before we even have a chance at being together.

"Come stay with us in Star City for a few months!"

This was why. My heart sinks at the thought that Cammie had to leave the city she loves, all her friends, her job, her life just cause I was so stupid and thought that Iris and I could be something more than best friends, when in reality the only person who I truly want to be anything more with is her.

"I think it's a good idea, Cammie."

Caitlin! She and Cisco knew about this, knew about her feelings for me. Why wouldn't they tell me?

"Oliver they're not going to buy that you just need my help, especially for a few months, if this is going to happen, which I'm not even sure if it will happen, then we need a believable cover story."

My cheeks darken at the thought that I wasn't too hard to trick that they needed her. When I heard I wasn't focused on the reason she had to go, I was just focused on the pain of the fact she was leaving.

I click a button on the monitors in front of me to turn off the recording. I couldn't watch anymore.

I felt so guilty. It was my fault, it was all my fault that Cammie had to go to Star City. It was my fault that she had met that guy, Logan or whatever his name was, if I hadn't pushed for something that wasn't there, Cammie would still be here at home, with me.

But I let her go once, and I'm not doing it again.

She loves me. She said it herself in this video, for the past ten years she's been in love with me. And I'm finally realizing that I've been in love with her to. The whole time, from the first moment we met, it's always been Cammie. I was just to blind to see what I always wanted right in front of me.

But I'm not blind anymore. She's the love of my life, my best friend... my soulmate. I know that she is.

I let her go but I'm going to get her back.

Let her go || Barry AllenМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя