T W O|| Coincidence

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"You surely do know better than i do Hyujin. You know so much things in life."

"I know that much of situation because i've been through that situation. It's my own experience, that i'm sharing with you, Unnie."

"Ohh well maybe that's the reason you have been gone in high school right? But you continue being an Idol even if they know you have sons didn't you?"

"Of course Unnie i do, if I don't, i don't have money to buy them food, what will the kids eat? I can't stand watching my Older sister feeding them, that I'm supposed to fed them because they're my responsibility."

"You weren't like those teen moms who abused their child because it reminds them how they're future have been ruined."

"It's not the baby's fault. You know having a baby is a blessing from the Lord. The baby was made by my own flesh and their father's flesh and my blood and their father's blood. And we made them ourselves i didn't even know who the hell their father is?, even though it ruined my life, for a short while, still it's a blessing."

"Yeah right. If they want to make their lives better?" I finished her sentence before she could.
"better be there selves for a moment and their gonna achieve what they've wanted the most and their gonna live for it."

As me and my long time friend Minyoung, were chatting someone caught my eye from the outside of the café. I've looked to the pained glass and admire his presence. He looks alot like Jinhu my youngest of the triplets.

"By the way Hyujin is it in the blood line of the Song family to have triplets ? Do you also remember that you're Auncle Song Ilkook also had triplets." Yeah right i only remember it this time.

"I don't know. Maybe it is." I can't keep my eyes of that man outside he looks alot like My boys.. most totally Minhu.

"Hey Hyujin? Hyujin? Are you okay? What's wrong? Is something up with that guy?" There's something up with that guy.

"He has the presence of my youngest child Jihun...Unnie, TaeMin also his face even if he had a mask on his presence looks like TaeMin and Jihun wearing a mask when we traveled to the JeJu island on my birthday and he looks the most of my Minhu."

"You mean the guy wearing a mask, wearing a boxy pants, long black sleeves? Wow this man knows the word fashion" he does though.

"And i like his style Unnie, perfectly my kind of style. But Unnie seriously he looks like my sons."

"Well I don't believe you. Unless you give me a picture of your sons." "You won't believe me if i show you my triplets."

"Here take a look unnie."

"He has the eye smile of my Minhu and Jihun, He also have the Eyes of my TaeMin, but Minhu got his dimple from me. All over he completely look like My Minhu."

(I'm gonna show you the pic of a child when it's in the 3rd to the last Chapter. Stay Tuned if you want to see... from now on just imagine a kid who looks like the father which is actually secret just imagine a child who looks like who you think is the father is ;)...)

"You ain't kidding when you said that do you?" She was more shock than i do. How funny.. "I aren't Unnie... in this past life of mine I learned not to lie.. because to lie is a sin, even the if the truth will led my life to end."

She nodded and i smile at her. "So do you think he's the father of your kids?" I sigh

"I can't just go and suspect other people that they were the father of my kids. They will think that I'm desperate." She reassured me with a smile.

The CEO's Sequestered Lady A Kim Taehyung FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now