Chapter 16

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Zayn had called Harry during the week, asking if he could spend the afternoon with Luca in attempt to mend their relationship but since Harry was at work Zayn had to go pick Luca up from daycare on his own because Harry was completely booked at work with teeth cleanings and cavity fillings.

After getting lost twice, Zayn found Luca's daycare and headed inside. He kept his head low the whole time and pulled his beanie down some in hopes he wouldn't attract anyone's attention. Which he failed miserably at the second he walked into the centre and a group of ten year olds instantly recognized him, swarming him for hugs and asking questions as to where Niall and Liam were and if they were coming.

One of the staff members spotted him once she noticed all the commotion, "Hi, excuse me but can I help you with something?"

"Yeah, I'm here to pick my son up, Luca Malik." His smile briefly faltered, "Bollocks this is the right daycare, yeah? Happy Ducklings Daycare."

She laughed, "Yes, I'll just need to see your I.D. and check the pickup list before I can't get Luca."

Zayn maneuvered around the kids surrounding him, smiling and making comments to each of them as he handed over his I.D. and went back to talking with the kids whilst the woman checked everything.

A couple minutes later the woman came back, only she brought another staff member with her so that they could usher the kids away and give Zayn some much needed personal space.

"Um, you're I.D. and everything is perfectly fine but I can't let you take Luca because you aren't on the pickup list for him. I'm sorry."

He furrowed his brow, "But he's my son, everyone knows he's my son. I could probably grab a random magazine and find a picture of him with me and his dad, he's mine. I don't need to be on a list."

"I'm sorry, it's only policy." She apologized. "A lot of kids come from divorced families or families that have a parent that isn't allowed to physically take the child without the other parents permission so we have the primary parent make a list of people who are allowed to pick up their child besides themselves; for Luca it's only his grandmother and an aunt."

"Can't you just ask Luca if he knows me?" He tried, two second away from attempting to bribe this woman so he could leave with his own child.

"No, I'm sorry. We could let you take Luca if we got a phone call from his dad, Harry, saying that it's okay for Luca to leave with you."

Zayn huffed out a breath and pulled his phone out of his pocket, poking around for Harry's work number and silently prayed that he could get to the phone. "Hi, can I speak to Harry Styles?"

"He's in the middle of assisting in a root canal, can I take a message?" The receptionist spoke.

"No, I really need to talk to him now. It's Zayn, Zayn Malik and I'm trying to pick our son up from daycare and I need Harry's verbal approval because I'm not on some pickup list." He explained quickly, "It'll be two seconds."

"Wait, you're Zayn Malik? I'm talking to Zayn Malik?" She slightly squealed giddily into the phone.

"Yeah, but can I talk to Harry?" Zayn just really wanted to hang up and call back, hopefully getting someone else but he knew this girl wasn't going to let that happen.

She laughed, "Yes, I - I can go get him for you, yeah. Oh my god you're really Zayn Malik," she nervously laughed some more. "Gosh I thought the papers and things were a lie because Harry wouldn't talk about it, oh my god you're Zayn bloody Malik and you're talking to me."

"If you get Harry on the phone I'll get you tickets to our next show or something but I sort of need to talk to him right now," he tried, knowing a bribe might possibly work or get her to focus on what he needs at the moment.

"Hi, Harry Styles."

"Harry!" Zayn slightly shouted into the phone once he heard his familiar voice, "Yes, it's Zayn. Can you tell this lady that I can pick Luca up because I can't take him until you do."

He laughed, "I completely forgot about that, yeah, sorry."

Zayn handed the woman the phone, listening to them have a short conversation and less than a minute later the women hung up the phone and handed it back to him.

"Alright, I'll go get Luca and you can be on your way." She smiled, turning on her heels and went through a door.

A bit less than five minutes later and the door was opening but Zayn couldn't see anyone so he looked away, focusing on some pictures on the wall and smiled when he spotted a photo of Luca on the wall.

He jumped when something touched him, but smiled when he saw it was Luca behind him. "Hey babe, you ready to go?"

Luca furrowed his brow, "Where daddy?"

"At work but I wanted to hangout with you so I came and picked you up early, unless you want to stay here and wait for daddy to get off work?"

Luca attached himself to Zayn's leg, wrapping his short arms around his thigh and held on tightly. "I go you papa, they mean me."

"What do you mean they're mean?" He questioned as he picked up the toddler, waving to the staff member and headed out the door.

Luca rested his head on Zayn's shoulder, loosely draping his arms around papas neck to hold on. "Say you not my papa and I lie but I no lie papa, I not liar."

"You are mine Luca, I promise you are." He kissed his forehead, "Don't listen to those other kids okay, don't even talk to them because they're just jealous. It's not your fault."

Luca nodded, cuddling closer and yawned because it was supposed to be his nap time soon. "I don't like there no more."

"We'll see what we can do, yeah. I'll talk with daddy about it, that be good?" Zayn wasn't going to force Luca to go somewhere he wasn't happy with so he was going to do his best to persuade Harry into sending Luca somewhere else during the day.


(authors note: this was just a short filler chapter since you all keep asking for an update, I've been distracted lately and haven't had time to update. Sorry.

Do you think Zayn's spoiling Luca and how do you think Harry's going to react to Zayn wanting to switch Luca's daycare?

Comment, comment, comment!!!)

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