Chapter 11

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Twenty-four hours of intense thought and Harry came to the conclusion that going straight to the media with Zayn's hidden life was a terrible idea, not only would it be putting his own safety in jeopardy but more importantly it would put Luca in the direct line of danger, and that's not something Harry was willing to risk or put to chance.

Instead of ruining Zayn's career, Harry put all of his focus on Luca and getting back his happy little boy again.

Anne mentioned taking Luca to the aquarium, which Harry thought was a brilliant idea because Luca loves looking at fish - not one in particular, but fish in general.

Gemma was more than happy to tag along, wanting to spend more time with her younger brother and get some quality time with her nephew; two people she rarely sees anymore because of a busy schedule.

Luckily Harry had left Luca's buggy in the boot of the vehicle from when they went to the park two weekends ago, because otherwise the toddler would've had to walk or rotate being carried by the three adults.

"Alright hop in bug, let's get you seated and we can get going. You excited?" Harry squatted down as he buckled Luca into the seat, making sure he wouldn't be able to get out and wonder away - which was highly unlikely seeing as Luca still isn't expressing much for feelings or emotions.

Luca sighed, laying back against the seat and lolled his head to the side as he watched his daddy buckle the snaps.

"He'll have loads of fun." Gemma chimed in from behind the buggy, softly ruffling the toddlers hair but didn't get a reaction other than Luca brushing his hair back into place.

Anne looped an arm around Harry's, "Come along sweetheart, it'll be alright - yeah." She tugged him towards the entrance, knowing Gemma would follow with Luca and paid everyone's entry fee.

They walked around the aquarium and saw countless different types of fish, towards the end Harry spotted a fish nursery and wanted to take Luca over so he could feed the babies.

"Luca do you want to feed the little fish over there? I'll come with you, I bet nana and Gem will watch your buggy for you." Harry questioned, already unbuckling Luca's belt and put a hand out for him to grab.

Luca peered around Harry's body, seeing other children close to his age and older feeding some fish in a smaller pool that was set up so you could lean over the edge some.

He looked up at Harry's smiling face, nodding his head and grabbed his hand as he climbed out of his seat.

"Do you want to feed them or pet them, you pick." Harry questioned as he led him over, stopping in between the two different sections.

Both pools had baby stingrays and one pool towards the back had tiny baby sharks that you could pet with the help and watchful eye of a staff member. Then a fourth pool had an assortment of colourful fish that you could feed, followed by a fifth pool that had small marine life such as star fish that you could see up close.

Luca silently pet Harry's hand, telling him which one he wanted without actually using his words.

He tried not to frown when Luca didn't speak to him, instead smiled softly as he picked Luca up and carried him towards the pool of baby sting rays.

"Hi, welcome. My names Kaci and before you get started there's just a few rules." A young blonde girl greeted as they walked up to the pool, "For safety reasons, children under six need an adult present. Please don't submerge your whole hand in the water or splash and make sure to gently pet the top of the sting ray, otherwise have fun and if you have any other questions I'm completely available." The girl directed the last part at Harry, but surprise - he's gay.

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