It Just Gets Worse

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Did that actually just happen? I cannot believe he came here and apologized and think it would make everything better. Did he even mean it? He probably did it just to get on Devin's good side. Or maybe he actually meant it. I mean those blue eyes held so much emotion. You can't just fake that much emotion. Maybe I was a little overdramatic. GAHHHHHH!!! I shouldn't be feeling like this about him. He's an asshole, and doesn't care for anyone. I need Chocolate-Channing therapy. I'm going to watch Step Up and eat all chocolate items made.

Half way through the movie I finally figured it out .... I like Austin. But why? He's an asshole. I'm not one of those girls who are attracted to asshole boys. Maybe he isn't a true asshole and you know it.

No that's out of the question. I know for sure he is. Do you? You've only known him for a day and you didn't even have a full conversation. JUST SHUTUP! I dozed off to sleep during my mental battle.


DAMIA NETTIA MERCER! WAKE UP THIS INSTANT! I cannot believe you. You make a a classroom disturbance then you leave school. Its the first day for God's sake. To make it e in worse you skipped. Anything could have happened to you, but you were to oblivious to see that huh? No you have a little temper tantrum and you don't get your way, so you leave. You are not in Hollywood being homeschooled anymore. You have rules to abide by at that school, and if you don't then you will take an even longer break from acting. THAT'S A PROMISE!" my mom yelled. I hate seeing her mad. Its scary.

"Mom I'm sorry. I just couldn't handle it. It was just too much."

" I do not care. You will never do that again, okay?"

"Yes Ma'am."

"Now tell me what happened baby," I started explaining my story and she only could sympathize.

"Awww poor baby. I'm sorry you had to go through that. I love you but if you ever do that again I swear I will take away every device you own, understand?"

"Yes ma'am," gahhhh it just keeps getting worse. "Mom I'm going to sleep early today so goodnight." I left before she could reply and ran up the stairs just to bump into Dev.

"Hey mia."

"Hey Dev."

"So uhh Mia about Austin I think you should stop being mean to him. The dude is really cool. Just chill and get to known him. You may even like him."

At this point my blood was boiling, but I let it go and just went to my room. Slamming the door I thought about my day. What a horrible first day. To be honest it was probably my worst first day ever. Changing, and climbing into bed I fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2014 ⏰

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