The First Day Back

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I woke up the next morning, not wanting to get out of bed. I wish I could just skip school. Why could-

"I HOPE YOU BOTH ARE UP BECAUSE IF YOU'RE NOT YOU WILL BE WALKING TO SCHOOL SOAKING WET!," mom yelled up the stairs, breaking my concentration.

"Yeah yeah," grumbled Devin.

"Up," I called down to her.

"Good, breakfast in an hour!"

An hour? What time was it? I glanced at my alarm clock. GEE! Its 6:30 already. That means I've been in my bed just thinking since 5:00 a.m. WOW!

I scrambled out of bed to my closet. I think I may have stood there just staring for at least ten extra minutes. I finally walked in and decided to wear the first thing I touched. That turned out to be a black leather skirt that stopped right above my knees with the cutest side pockets, a floral patterned three -quarters shirt, a pink button-up sweater, and my black wedges. I pulled on my gold Tiffany's bracelet, earrings, and necklace set. I decided to wand curl my hair and put on a minimal amount of make-up which consisted of a thin layer of eyeliner, mascara, and my favorite cherry flavored lip gloss. I checked myself in my mirror, grabbed my bag and purse, and headed downstairs.

"Morning mom," I chirped

"Morning sweetie. You look stunning by the way. A good outfit for your first day back," my mom complimented

"Thanks mom."

Just then Devin bounded downstairs and kissed us both on the cheek before starting his morning ramble, " morning to my beautiful sister who looks absolutely amazing, and of course to my mother whom we took after in looks and personality."

We both stared at him then each other before bursting into laughter. He could be soooo cute when he rambled. His rambling always was a hint to his nervousness. I had no idea why he would be nervous. Before we left, everyone loved him. Every girl gravitated towards him and wanted him, while every guy wanted to be him. When he began rambling I was amused and confused.

We ate our breakfast in silence, and soon we were in the car on the way to school. Surprisingly, there was no paparazzi around. It kind of reminded me of the movie Another Cinderella Story when Drew went back to high school and the paparazzi didn't follow him as much. I never thought this day would come.

"Honey did you hear me?" my mom asked

"Uhh what?" I replied like an idiot

"We're here, love you, have a nice day at school."

"Love you too mom. See ya!" I said as I watched her drive off. I looked around for Dev, but I couldn't find him. Great! First day back and he's already left me.

I walked up the stairs, and through the front doors ready to be bombarded. As soon as I made it through the doors, a group of girls ran up to me.

"OMGGGGGGG, You are Damia Mercer, from those movies. You're like really famous. Can I get your autograph?" she asked handing out a pen and paper.

"Yesss that would be me," I muttered expecting this exact reaction.

In an blink of an eye, one autograph turned into fifty. I tried to escape multiple times, but people just kept pushing and pushing. That is until the girl whom I loathed came and acted as if I were her bestfriend.

"Move it people, I said MOVE!" she screamed, pushing people aside. "Mia! Omg. I totally missed you. You didn't even tell me you were back. Come on lets go, I'll show you around."

"Megan for starters I am not new, I know my way around the school. Secondly, let me go I do not need you to do anything for me ... We aren't even friends." As I was speaking the crowd became hushed and everyone tried to listen in. As a matter of act they created a circle around us, as if we were going to fight.

"Hahaha! Good one Mia. Everyone knows we are totally best friends. Duhhhh. So come on and stop being so silly and stubborn," she said as she began yanking me away from the crowd.

Oh no she didn't! She bullies me from sixth grade until ninth grade, which is when I left, and now all of a sudden we're best friends? To top it off she is literally dragging me along with her and her minions. This has definitely got to stop. I yank away my arm and yell at her, "We are not best friends. We aren't even acquaintances. So stop acting in front of all these people because I'm famous now. I have never and will never be a friend of yours. You're nothing but a heartless, self-centered witch! KEEP AWAY FROM ME!" I turn around and bumped into some guy. "Excuse me," I say mesmerized by his eyes. They're blue with dark specks around the edges. They gave off an intense but passionate look and they made me want to just kiss him. I was waiting for him to respond so when he didn't I just kept walking. I kept think about his eyes. The look he gave me was smothering, but in a good way. I could see there was a bit of confusion there as well. Was it there for me, or something else? I shook my head before walking into the front office, where I suddenly discovered my brother was.

"Well hi to you too little brother. I just wanted to let you know I was just bombarded, falsely befriended by your ex- girlfriend, and bumped into this guy with amazing eyes in under five minutes. Is that a new record or what?" I quickly explain as we wait for our schedules.

"Wow. I signed autographs too, and I saw Megan, but I excused myself from the situation politely and came here," he put out there. Funny. They guy who was popular has no trouble getting in, but the worst situations happen to me, and I was a nobody. Well isn't that the biggest surprise today. I snort.

"Damia and Devin Mercer ... Here you are. These are your schedules and locker combinations. Its nice to have you both back," she says with a huge smile on her face.

As we begin to walk out she also adds, "And have a wonderful day at Morten Prep." I scoff, because we are totally going to have a wonderful day. Right.

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