The Truth

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Knock. Knock. Knock.

Ugh. I really did not want to open the door. I already knew who it would be.  Paparazzi. One day back in my hometown, and I'm already attracting too much attention. It must be at least ten cars just lounging around out there. Why  couldn't we have moved to somewhere in Alaska instead of back to Kentucky. I was elated when I finally made it to the big screens, and could leave this town with these wretched people. Now I'm back and awaiting hell from my oh "wonderful friends." Another knock on the door snapped me back into reality.

"Devin could you please go and shoo them away?" I yell to my twin brother, who happens to be famous as well, the difference being he actually likes publicity and I don't.

"Uhh no I'm tired. I've been doing it all day. Get your lazy ass up and do it yourself," he screamed.

"Oh come on Devin. Who put the stick up your ass. You know I hate doing it." I truly did hate doing it. I don't know if it was the annoying questions, the flashing cameras, or the fact they were so nosey that got under my skin.

"Well I do not give a sh-, " Devin started to say until he was cut off by my mom who screeched, "If I hear another curse word come from either of your mouths; I will make sure you both answer the door each and every time there is a knock! Do you understand me?"

"Yes ma'am." We whispered both scared out of our pants.

"Well okay, I'll answer the door this time. I will be very persuasive and tell them we do not want to be harassed by them anymore. If they do not obey our demands, then we will sue both them and their  companies,"  my mom assured us. She could be quite the scare sometimes. She has always been the protective type, especially after what happened to dad. She would do anything for the safety of her children.

We heard her explain to the paparazzi and they of course agreed. I mean who wouldn't agree with my mother, she had a very threatening look. I was overjoyed when she came back telling us the great news. I was actually starting to enjoy our sudden break from acting and paparazzi, until I realized that I was home. The place where I shed the most tears, and had only one friend.

"CHILDREN!" my mother called, "I want you both to go and get ready for school tomorrow. I expect you to be up and ready to leave at 7:45. So goodnight to you both, I love you, and I'll see you in the morning."

"Love you too mom, see ya." we replied as we dragged our way up the steps.

"Hey uhhh Mia?" Devin said

"Yesss Dev?"

"Are you happy to back here? Are you ready for school?"

"I am definitely not happy nor ready?" I said shakily.

"But why not?"

"Because ... because ... for me years ago I was a nobody. I wasn't the football captain or the popular kid. I didn't have any friends ... except of course Annie. We were basically at the bottom of the food chain. Everyday your dearest girlfriend Megan and her minions would continuously bully me. I never said anything because I knew you loved her, and I didn't want mom to worry. I hated being who I was since the fifth grade. Why did you think I was so happy when we got our first big break? I was ecstatic that I didn't have to live in this hell hole anymore. That break from eighth grade to now has been awesome .... minus paparazzi. Now I'm back here, and its not going to get any better. Instead of me being an outcast everyone is going to be my friend, but for wrong reasons." I realized that I was crying. I wiped my tears away as my I examined my brother's pained expression. I knew he would be like this when I told him. As close as we were, that was probably the only thing I hid from him.

He opened his mouth and said, "I .... I am so sorry. I promise you if anybody hurts you, I will kill them." Then he brought me in for a bear tight hug.

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