He is mine, and I am his

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I woke up the next morning tangled into Harry's arms, my head on his chest. It felt so normal, so right to be next to him. The memories of last night came rushing into my head along with a wide smile. Harry Potter is mine, i'm his. I leaned over to Harry and kissed him gently. His beautiful green eyes fluttered open, they shone with warmth and love oh how they were such a beautiful sight early in the morning. Everything felt so surreal to me just like a dream except I knew it wasn't and surely, if I did sadly wake up now I would class this as nothing more or nothing less than a dreadful nightmare because my one true love was dangled in front of me and I would've been made to believe he was mine to keep forever. Surprisingly though, I didn't wake up we stayed connected together are love and compassion lingered in the air.          

A loud bell rang and scared him and I. We got up and dressed to make our way down to the great hall for breakfast. I changed into a blue pastel jumper to match my hair and my pair of grey, ripped skinny jeans. I combed my hair into place and slipped on my white high-tops to leave. Harry crept behind me and engulfed me into a warm embrace. He grasped my hand and led me down to the great hall with me. The large, shining gold doors opened, the great hall was lit today to mark the yearly anniversary of Hogwarts school first opening. 

Then suddenly- and shockingly, Harry turned my face to meet him and he kissed me. It was filled with passion and love, we really must have got carried away cause when we finally pulled away we saw the majority of the great hall staring in shock, but mostly happiness. A round of applause and awww filled the room. 

He is mine and I am his. 

Hey guys! Yes I know I finally updated I do deeply apologise for the delay but lets just say my life has been a mess, I really will try to upload more though. No this isn't the end of the book theres still many chapters to come. Thank you so much for reading and like always feel free to comment advice, suggestions and just over all anything. Love you guys bye xxx - e.m 

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