Forgive and forget part 2

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"Draco" she stuttered.
"Hermonie I know what I've put you guys through was absolutely disgusting but I'm really sorry and I know it'll be hard for youse to forgive me but I'll try hard" I told her really quickly.
"Well I don't know about the others but I'm willing to forgive you and forget about the past aslong as you don't ever do what you did again". She told me.
"I promise I won't thank you so much". I said and rushed in to hug her.
"Harry will be happy" she muttered.
"What ?" I asked her.
"Oh merlin I shouldn't have said that"
"Please tell me" I asked her with puppy dog eyes.
"Harry sort of likes you" she told me really quickly and quietly. A smile quickly appeared on my face and I tried to hide it leaving my face blushed.
"Well Draco I've gotta get going, why don't you come to the library at lunch and meet us" she said.
"Yeah erm thanks" I answered.
I had dada next lesson. I sat in the cold classroom staring ahead in a daydream. Honestly I was quite worried for later I mean what if Ron and Harry hated me. I really like harry he's super cute and brave just everything. Im quite surprised that he returns those feeling I mean who cold like a cold hearted stuck up prat Malfoy. After what seemed like hours the bell finally rang. At lunch I headed down to the library and I could see in the corner of the large, old looking room the 3 people I was there for. I inhaled a deep breathe and slowly walked over trembling.
"Hi" I managed to croak out and then I dropped my head.
"Hey" they all said in unison.
"Why don't you come and sit with us" Harry said making space between him and Ron for me to sit. I looked up at them and he smiled warmly at me. My heart skipped and I smiled back.
"Can I just say I'm like really s" harry cut me off.
"It's okay hermonie showed us the letter and we do forgive you Draco" he said softly
"Forgive and forget" he asked before they engulfed me in a hug.

Hey guys I'm sorry I didn't update for a while. At school this past week I've had so many assessments to do and my life's been super messy this week. Anyway I have a week off now for autumn week so I'll be updating quite a bit although I do have some other assessments to write up. Incase you wanted to know what I meant about my life I'll spill down below.
First off I found out sombody I had a crush on liked me back and then we got together. And now a girl who likes me is moving school to mine while I'm finally happy. I've had quite a lot of drama too and everything has been up and down. I'm super sorry about not posting but I will make up for it I promise. Also don't worry I'm gonna include quite a lot of drarry soon so yeah. Thanks for sticking round and again if you have any ideas or requests comment them. Thank you guys so much ❤️❤️

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