"So what's the deal with the Duns? What do we know?" Jay piped up, grabbing a few pancakes off the large stack in the middle.

"I've only spoken to your father for a few minutes earlier this morning but they called him down last night after you guys went to bed and he said he'd probably be there the rest of the week figuring out what to do. They suspect they hunters have been in town for a few weeks but are waiting to strike until they can get settled in. One of the Council members spotted Bill at the grocery store two days ago and all Hell broke loose. He almost didn't make it out alive. They had to extract a iron bullet from his stomach," she explained.

"Oh shit," Tyler replied.

"Oh shit is right," Kelly agreed as she cut her own pancake. Suddenly, she stopped and set her fork down. She looked directly at Tyler with stern eyes. "Tyler, promise me you'll stay safe at school today. Please. If anything were to happen to you I would never forgive myself for letting you go to a public school."

"I promise, Mom," he assured. "I always am safe. You've met Brendon and Dallon. You know they're not up to anything."

"I still don't know why you wanted to go to a public school for high school," Zack mentioned. "It's not like you need to know what year Columbus came to America or the square root of x. You're gonna be stuck with this coven until you die, especially if you're the next Absolute. You don't need any of that stupid stuff."

"I know," Tyler replied, trying not to let what Zack said get to him. "But I needed something to do to kill time. Besides, I'm ahead with my magic studies so that's out of the way."

"I'm ahead too. I bet you I know more than you since I'm not an dumbass that wants to waste his time with mortals," he countered.

"Bullshit. I'm still two years older than you," Tyler shook his head.

"So?" Tyler glared at him and suddenly Zack's orange juice tipped over, spilling down onto his clothes. "You dick!" Zack leaped up to avoid any more of the beverage spilling onto him.

The younger mumbled something under his breath and the butter knife sitting on the table next to Tyler suddenly floated off the table and launched itself into his hand. "Fuck!" Tyler yelled, pulling the utensil out of his hand, a bit of blood going with it. However, it instantly began to heal.

Kelly took her hands and moved one to each side of the room, causing the boys to move towards opposite walls. They crashed into them with a loud bang and groaned in pain. "Stop being so damn immature," she ordered. "Tyler, go brush your teeth you have to leave for school in ten minutes. Zack, finish eating and then clean up the kitchen— with no magic."

"What the hell? Why doesn't he have to do anything? He started it!"

"No, you did," Kelly told him. "You made fun of him wanting to pursue his studies outside of the coven. It's something he's proud of and a choice he made. Leave him alone about it. Both of you need to calm down and stop this unspoken competition. It's childish. Now apologize to each other.

"Sorry," they said simultaneously, no sincerity in their words.

"Thank you. Now do as you were told."

Tyler stuck his tongue out at Zack when his mom turned away before going up the steps to brush his teeth.


Josh was sitting at his desk filling something out when his father approached him, throwing a file on the table. "Here's his information. Do you remember what you're doing?" He asked his son.

"Yes, sir," Josh looked up at Bill. "Find the target, get close to the target, eliminate the target. It's the same every time."

"Atta boy," Bill clapped Josh's shoulder. "Jordan went ahead and hacked into the school's database to put you in most of Tyler's classes. Not all though since that would look suspicious. The remaining classes you have with one of his two friends Brendon and Dallon. They're both mortal and as far as we know they're clueless so don't interfere unless prompted."

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