My first mission

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Three weeks later

*me and yoongi are sitting in the living room bored as fuck when Jin and hobi comes in*

Jin:so there is a mafia ball on tomorrow btw

Yoongi:and you tell us now?

Hobi:well we only found out now sooooo

Yoongi:ok get y/n a dress ok?


*they left*

Yoongi: so y/n do you wanna go on a mission?

Y/n: YES

Yoongi: come with me then

*we went to my room and he went over to the wardrobe and pulled this out*

*we went to my room and he went over to the wardrobe and pulled this out*

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Yoongi:wear this

Yoongi:so we are gunna go and kill a few bastards

He took me to his car and we came to an alley.

(Why are these things always in alleys like fuck me)

He told me to hide behind the corner of the wall and wait.

I had a pistol and was ready.

Soon after some druggies came and.....THERE WAS ONLY TWO?!
anyways,yoo go knocked one out and he was at the edge of the wall I was at and he was fighting another one and in pretty sure he just killed that one and this one cane back from being knocked out and stood up against the wall and took his gun out and pointed it at yoongi... That's when I came out of the shadows and pointed my gun at his crotch.

Y/n: trust me you don't wanna do that *low tone*

Both him and yoongi looked at me with a smirk.

Weird man: www we can I buy you a drink cutie? *mocking tone*

Y/n:*shoots* I much rather the money *smirk*

He was dead after the intensive bleeding

We were about to walk out when this really drunk man cane and walked toward us with a gun.

Drunky:you ain't goin nowhere*smirk*

I looked up and saw some of my "art"  and remembered I left some bits and bobs on the roof up there and right above me...the pipe I used to get up...i had a plan and u had a creepy ads smile on my face and I'm pretty sure the boys were looking at me with a what the fuck face. I looked back at them and realised there was even more men.

Y/n:can you hold off a few?

Yoongi: I do this alone normally babe *smirk*

Y/n:good *smiles*

I jumped up and grabbed the pipe, swung myself and stood up on it. I walked across it and got up on the roof and disappeared out of their sight.

Drunky: oh look your girlfriend left you-hahahahahahaha

They came at yoongi but he was killing them instantly.

When I was up on the roof I saw spray cans and high rocks...YESS

I took the spray cans and lifted a rock *Jesus these are heavy* and looked over the roof and saw many men at the back so I got the rock aaannd let it go over the landed killing about..six?

Yoongi looked up at me and smirked and went back to killing.

I jumped off the top if the building and landed behind the rest of the men...bang...bang,

More came at me and I sprayed their eyes with the spray paint and down they went in agony.

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