Tourney (Jay)

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"Y/N are you sure you want to do this?You are one of the best I don't even think you have to try out"I rolled my eyes at Ben.

We were currently walking to the the field.I was the only girl on the team.I was the best and i knew i didn't have to tryout but Ben said there were 2 newbies.I need to see if they are qualified to be on the team.

"I need to see how good the newbies are Ben.And why not do it while i also have fun?"He smiled at me and i got in my stance on the field.

The ball was thrown and i caught it.I started running dodging people form left and right.I saw someone coming straight for me.He had long hair and he didn't seem familiar.

"Son of Jafar"I whispered to myself,

He was about to tackle me but i managed to block him.He didn't give up easily.He soon managed to take the ball from me.I saw my chance and got the ball back shooting it into the goal.He let out a huff of defeat.I took of my helmet.

"You're good but you need a little fixing.Come with me"I said he looked at me weird but obliged.

"So Captain he cut out for it?"I nodded my head at the coach.I looked around and spotted a boy with white hair.

"De Vil to.They just need to go over the rule book and they should be ready to go for the game"He nodded and i ran off going over to Ben.

"He got you good"i teased as Ben was still on the ground due to Jay knocking him out of the way.

"Shut up"He laughed and I chuckle giving him a hand.He got up wiping off the dirt on his pants.Ben looked over my shoulder and he smiled.

"I think someone wants to talk to you"I nodded ad Ben walked away.I turned around to be met by Jay.

"Coach tells me you're the only girl and he also says you're the best.Mind helping me out?"I nodded.

"Tuesday,Wednesday,and Friday.4 p.m sharp.Here on the field."He nodded his head and i looked over seeing Carlos.

"De Vil can also come if he wants.i best be going.See you around Jay"i was about to walk away but he grabbed my wrist.I looked at him weird but stopped.

"What's your name?"I smirked.

"Y/N Pan.Daughter of the boy that never aged"I flew up and he looked shocked.I winked at him and flew away.I felt this fuzzy feeling but ignored it.


"You're late"I said causing Jay to jump.

"Sorry.Carlos and I were chasing after Dude after he got out of our dorm"I smiled at him.

"Lets get started shall we?"He smiled and we got into position.

I was running after Jay seeing as he got the ball.He ended up tripping causing us to both fall.I landed on top of him and we both groaned.

"I blame the ground"He said quickly.I laughed lifting my head off his chest.I blushed seeing how close we were.He started leaning in and so did I.We both smiled once our lips met.We pulled away and I got up.

"Not bad Jay.Just watch where you're going and you'll be fine at the game"He gave me another one of his famous smile.

"So do you want to hang out after practice on Friday?"I blushed and nodded my head.

"Sure"I kissed his cheek and tried walking towards my bag.He pulled me back giving me another kiss.I smiled and we pulled away once more.

"See you tomorrow Jay"I flew up and sent him a kiss.He caught it making me smile.He gave me a wink and I flew away with a grin appearing in my face.

I found Ben once more and he smiled when he saw me.

"If you keep grinning like that people will think you're Cheshire's daughter"Ben said chuckling.I rolled my eyes not coming down.

"Now tell why you are grinning like a mad man"I smiled.

"Me and Jay kissed and we are hanging out after practice on Friday"I heard a sniffle and looked down to see Ben fake crying.

''They grow up so fast"I flew down and slapped his arm playfully.I hugged him and said goodbye.

'Maybe this will work out'

I thought as I flew back to my dorm.Smiling like an idiot as I layed on my bed.

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