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I hurried down the street, shoving anyone stupid enough to get in my way. I could hear the police sirens getting louder as they approached me. Remind me why I hadn’t stolen a car? Oh yeah, because I’m the kind of criminal who has no idea how to steal a car. And by the time I hotwire one, I’d be surrounded.

I looked around before deciding that hiding in the alley would be my best escape. I mean, the cops and angry mobs always run past the alleyways in the movies. I turned into the dimly lit alley and frantically looked for somewhere to hide. I hate to say it, but the pile of trash sitting beside the full dumpsters was my best option. So I dove into them.

Admittedly the stench reeking from the trash was murdering my sense of smell, but if this meant I’d get away, everything would be worth it-

“Aye kid, this aint no playground! Get outta here before I make you.”

My heartbeat accelerated and my eyes clenched shut.

This is it, I thought.

Suddenly I was yanked up. I yelped and my eyes shot open, making me blink so my eyes could properly adjust. Once they did, I realized it wasn’t a cop who had pulled me up, but instead a guy, not that much older than myself. I sighed in relief, and then socked him square in his jaw.

“Aye man, I don’t know who the hell you think you are, but I wouldn’t recommend creepin’ on me! You’re lucky I left my gun at the store-”

Shit, I’ve said too much. What kind of robber blabs out her crimes? You’d think after three years of robbing and running, I’d be able to keep my mouth shut.

The guy rubbed his jaw and ignored my confession, “Fuck, kid! Was that necessary?”

“Was manhandling me necessary?”

“Actually it was. I mean, you are in my territory.”

I raised my eyebrows, “Territory? Who do you think you are?”

“They call me Jason Williams- ah fuck! Come with me!”

That’s when I found myself being tugged down the street.

“Where are we going?” I hissed, tripping over my own two feet while I attempted to snatch my wrist back.

“Feds will be stalking that place down. And if they find out I’m around, we’re both screwed.”

So he did hear my confession.

I shrugged, “So? I’d get a lesser sentence for snitching that you’re here for… whatever you’re in trouble here for.”

His grip tightened around my wrist (if that was even possible), “And that’s exactly why you’re coming with me. And while we’re at my place, you can put your pretty little hands to work and tend my swollen jaw.”

Ugh, this is so not how I planned to end my day.


A/N: Hey guys, as you guys may know, The Dangerous Relationship was deleted by Wattpad and I was completely devasted. So I decided I would write a new Mafia story to cheer me up, and what do ya know? It worked! I actually have the first two chapters of this story written already so I can update pretty frequently.

Oh, I'd luhb to thank @A_Smooth_Criminal for the lovely cover! That's kinda why this is dedicated to her.

I hope you guys read this, vote it, and add it to your library like you did to my other Mafia story. This one is probably gonna be more realistic though.

So yeah, erm, this is really all I gotta say... bye?

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