Ronnie's breath stopped short. Theo, on top of her, looked her in the eyes.

"Everything okay?" He asked.

Ronnie nodded, hiding her fear. "Uh huh." She gulped. "Actually I feel tired. Maybe we can do this another time?" She tried getting up.

Theo pushed her back. "Why? What changed? I thought you wanted to do this?"

Ronnie looked down and sighed with relief. His pants were still on. It was just his shirt off. Except, so was her dress. She took a deep breath. "Trust me, I just don't feel like doing this right now."

Theo sighed. "Did I do something wrong." Ronnie's face turned pale. She was a horrible liar. "What's going on Veronica?" He raised his voice.

Ronnie winced. "N - nothing. I promise!"

Theo shook his head, chuckling. "You know, don't you?"

Ronnie, still underneath him, looked away. "Know what?"

"That I killed him." He continued to laugh. "It's obvious, Veronica. You're a horrible liar. Just like how you're terrible at hiding your feeling for Adrien."

Ronnie froze. She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

"It's okay, you don't have to say anything. I will speak for you. I can see right through you. We're similar, you and I."

"I am nothing like you. You murdered our friend!"

"Friend?" He laughed. "Eddie was not my friend."

"Then why did you kill him!?"

"Because!" He shouted. "That son of a bitch cheated on me!"

Ronnie held her breath, holding in a laugh. "W h a t."

Theo slammed his hand down on the ground. "Are you making fun of me?!"

Ronnie winced again. "No! I just don't understand!"

"That is why I never cared about you and Adrien. You were my pawn to make sure none of you found out I killed him! But somehow, you found out." His face turned evil, his eyes turning dark.

"Why are you telling me all of this? You just confessed to me!" Ronnie gaped.

"Because, nobody will be hearing about this. If I killed the love of my life, I will have no problem killing you too." He pulled a knife out of his pants, clicking it, making the blade come out. He held it up to her neck, about to stab, when the door slammed open.

"GET OFF OF HER!" There, stood Adrien, holding a gun up, with Jade right behind him. Theo chuckled, putting the knife back up to Ronnie's throat, sliding the blade across her - BAM

A high pitched ringing filled everyone's ears. Theo, bleeding out, was on the ground. Ronnie shrieked, Jade running to her. Ronnie felt her throat; no cut. She looked down to see a huge cut running down her arm. She glanced over to Theo, blood pouring out of his chest. His eyes were open, but shot. A sigh left his body, and there was no sign of life in him.

"How did you guys find me?!" Ronnie shouted as Adrien checked for signs of life.

"We saw you leave with him, and we realized he was the killer." Jade took off her sweater, wrapping it around Ronnie's arm.

"And the gun?" Ronnie shivered with the pain in filling her arm.

"We found it in his dorm when we realized it was him. We went back looking for some type of weapon."

Alex ran into the shed, a crowd of people behind him. "We heard a gunshot, is everything okay?!"

Jade ran up to him. "Alex call 911!" He nodded, pulling his phone out and dialing.

Adrien ran over to Ronnie, wrapping his arms around her, pulling her up to him. He looked down at her, still in her underwear.

"Oh god!" She gasped at herself.

He gave her his jacket, and wrapped it around her. "Are you okay?" He asked, rubbing her arms. She nodded, digging her head in his shoulder, quiet sobs escaping her.


"Hey, how are you doing?" Adrien walked in Ronnie's dorm, popcorn in his hand.

Ronnie sat up on her bed. "Okay I guess. It's healing a little bit." She looked down on her arm, wrapped in bandages. It was a few days later since they found out the truth. Theo was dead, and the threat was gone. "Did you hear about the headmaster?"

"Yeah what a shame. That sucks being fired over covering up a murder." He mocked, rolling his eyes, and plopped down on her bed next to her. "I'm just glad we get to move on now."

She smiled, putting her head on his shoulder. He looked over to her. "So tell me, why did we not date earlier?"

"Because you had a girlfriend." She replied shortly.

"What?" He chuckled, confused.

"The red haired girl. Jade texted me about it when we were at the hospital."

"Aly? Oh god no she's a lesbian." He laughed. "And Jade wouldn't of texted you that. She knew I liked you."

"Then do you think it was Theo?" She questioned.

Adrien nodded. "Probably. I'm just glad we are together now."

"Me too." She smiled.

"Where is Carmilla?" Adrien asked.

"She's at Eddie's grave. She's relieved she knows the truth now."

"You two are okay?"

"Yeah" she nodded. "We talked it out while after the police came."

"That's good." He smiled. "Hey is she dating anyone? Maybe I can set Aly and her up." He looked over to her side of the room.

"Carmilla is gay?" Ronnie's eyes went big.

Adrien chuckled. "Oh Ronnie, you amaze me." He turned, putting a hand across her face. She chuckled, wrapping her hands around him, and placed her lips on his. She pulled back, putting her hand on his cheek. She breathed in; one, two, three, four, and out. She smiled. She could finally breathe again.


This is the last chapter wow. Thank you so much to the people that read this. It means so much. There IS a sequel to this book, and I think it may be better than this book. So stick around for that <33

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