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Distant screams surrounded Ronnie's ears. Her heart was pounding, her mind figuring out what to do. She jumped out of bed, running out the door. She made it halfway down the grand staircase, covered with red velvet, before she missed a step and fell down. Body aching, she felt someone sweep her up, dragging her with them while they still ran. She looked up at the familiar face; Adrian. She was finally able to pick back up her speed again, and she ran beside him, still clutching onto his arm. They arrived at the dorm from which the sound came from. Students and teachers surrounded the outside of the room. There were quiet whispers, and hushed tones coming from the kids. Then, the scream. It was blood curdling, and in pain. Adrian and Ronnie both pushed their way past the others, finally able to see what had happened. Carmilla, kneeling on the ground, covered in blood, clutching onto the dying body. It was her brother, Eddie.

The wait in the hospital took hours. Carmilla went in the ambulance with her brother, while Adrian and Ronnie ubered there. Ronnie kept her distance from Carmilla, not wanting to get in the way of her. There were a few other kids there. Alex, who was Eddie's roommate, and Jade, who had come to the hospital later than the others.

After some time of sitting next to Adrian in awkwardness, he spoke.

"You okay?"

She sighed and shook her head. "How could this happen? I just saw him a few hours ago in the dining hall when we were talking about-" She cut herself off, eyes meeting Adrian's. She shook her head, shaking away the thoughts in the back of her head.

"Talking about...." He continued.

"Um.. I forgot." She set her hand down on the arm of the chair, instantly brushing Adrian's hand.
Hhhhhhhhhhhhh, was the sound in her head, which Jade could hear, making her make direct eye contact with Ronnie, glancing at Adrian, and winking. Ronnie ran. Actually ran full force away from that monstrosity. This. Could. Not. Happen.

"Just keep telling yourself that" Eddie. His voice was now in her head too. She ended up in the bathroom, colliding with Carmilla.

"Hey watch out!"

"I'm sorry Carm."

"Don't call me that." She shook her head, dried mascara under her eyes.


"Yeah I get it you're sorry" She rolled her eyes at Ronnie. "Look Veronica, I need some time alone. Can you leave?"

Veronica? Nobody ever called her that. Ronnie hesitated, wanting to give the girl in need a hug. She stepped forward, forcing Carmilla to take a step back. She put her hands up.

"What the hell are you doing?"


"I'm sorr-" Ronnie cut herself off. She pushed back a piece of hair that was covering Carmilla's eye. They both turned to the sound of the door creaking open.

"Hey Ronnie, that guy you were texting me about is here. Theo I think you said?" Jade said, standing in the doorway. "Is everything okay?"

Carmilla scoffed, crossing her arms and staring at the wall next to her. Ronnie nodded, walking out, with Jade following close behind.

Ronnie's eyes instantly met with Theo. She gushed at his tight black shirt and ripped jeans.


She looked at Jade, who eyes were wide at her.

"Ronnie what the hell was that noise that escaped from you?"

Ronnie shook her head. "Pleaseeeee tell me he did not hear that!"

"Oh he definitely did, and he's coming here right now. Have fun!" Jade slipped away, waving a quick hello to the boy walking over, and sat down next to Alex again.

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