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(George POV)

Yesterday was the scariest night of my life. I'm pretty sure everything's only going to go further downhill from here. I was walking with Blake in the dark, heading to a pub in the darker part of London for a late dinner. We've been here plenty of times, it was safe. Or so I thought. As we neared the pub a black van pulled up next to us. Blake and I looked to each other and shrugged it off, it was most likely an uber or something to drop some people off for the club next to us, a line had just started forming. But boy were we wrong. 

Two or three men in black masks jumped out and came at Blake and I. At this point, we assumed they weren't here for the club. We ran as fast as we could, but we weren't fast enough. Someone put a bag over my head and I screamed. I felt a sharp sting in my neck and next thing I know I'm being dragged towards the van. I don't remember anything after that. I'm guessing the sharp sting I felt was a needle with some drug being injected into me that caused me to pass out. 

And now to the present time. I woke up with the bag still over my head, but no one was making any noise so I thought I was alone. I slowly pulled the bag off my head and scanned the small room I was in. I was laying just a few feet into the room, slightly left of the door. It took a minute for my vision to adjust to the dim lights in the room, but when they did, I noticed there was a black figure in the corner of the room. I skidded back in terror until my back hit the wall and waited for my eyes to focus on the figure. Once they did, I recognised the figure instantly.

A/N - Hello hello! Here's the (not so happy) prologue of my new story! It's only going to be a short story but I hope you still enjoy it! I've finished writing it so you'll be getting regular updates every Monday! See you next week! 

- T :) x

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